Editing Skills - Spelling (2) - Answer Sheet


By: Richard Flynn
Level: Advanced
Theme: General
Study Area: General
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© 2005

Editing Skills- there are spelling mistakes in some of these

sentences; correct them where necessary

1. A Senate committee vote on the next US ambassador to the UN has been further


2. Prosecutors in the trial have started wrapping up their case.

3. A woman detained after last week's fire has admitted that she may have started the

blaze by accident, police says.

4. The shuttle launch could go ahead even if an independent advisory panel set up to

monitor the flight has not signed off every safety improvement.

5. Figures suggest that the form of diabetes more associated with adults is much

higher among children than originally thought.

6. A dozen men stormed the building to denounce the principal group meeting there.

7. Nutritional standards for school meals will be made compulsory next year.

8. Should huge wind turbines sprout across the uplands of Britain, in the fight against

climate change? Views of both opponents and supporters will clash head-on in a

public inquiry.

9. They may face criminal proceedings after their fight.

10. A peer-reviewed report that was published last year in The Lancet, based on an

extrapolation of data, suggested that 100,000 civilians may have been killed

during the invasion and its aftermath.

11. Competitive sport teaches children fair play; it teaches them that hard work pays

off; it teaches children how to win and lose by the rules.

12. The legal challenge comes days after parliament recommended an overhaul of

draft legislation.

13. You've seen an injustice and you're seething, but can you channel your anger into


14. Faced with our near-suicidal devastation of the environment, a campaign can be

individual citizens’ only chance to make a difference.

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