Subject Question Trivia Quizzes


Students make general knowledge questions to test each other with using the given subject question starters.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Questions
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Lesson Plan Content:

Subject Question Trivia Quizzes

Try to make a general knowledge question using one of the question starters below which
only one person in the class will get right. You won’t get any points if more than one
person gets is right, or if no one can guess correctly.

Example trivia subject question starters
 How many people in the world have/ speak/…?
 What animal…?
 What is the most popular… (in/ for…)?
 What inspired… to make…?
 What product…?
 Which actor…?
 Which advertising campaign…?
 Which author…?
 Which Beatles member…?
 Which billionaire…?
 Which bus goes to…?
 Which city is the capital of…?
 Which city is the largest in…?
 Which city…?
 Which company owns/ produces/ sells/ controls/ …?
 Which countries border…?
 Which country first…?
 Which country has banned…?/ Which country forbids…?
 Which country has the …est…?
 Which country is the most…?
 Which country produces/ exports…?
 Which country uses…?
 Which country’s capital city…?
 Which country’s flag is/ has…?
 Which country’s patron saint is…?
 Which famous athlete…?
 Which famous… was born in/ on…?
 Which island…?
 Which king/ queen…?
 Which Monty Python members…?
 Which national park…?
 Which nationality drinks the most…?
 Which novelist…?
 Which politician…?
 Which sea/ ocean/ river/ lake…?
 Which state allows…?
 Which station is closest to…?
 Which TV series/ TV programme/ TV channel…?
 Who admitted…?/ Who confessed…?

Written by Alex Case for © 2020

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 Who beat…? – Who lost against… in…?
 Who bought… for… dollars (in…)?
 Who built…?
 Who complained that…?
 Who criticised… for…?
 Who directed…?
 Who first flew…?
 Who first sang…?
 Who had a hit with…?
 Who had to apologise for…?
 Who has been married to… and…?
 Who holds the record for…?
 Who invented…?
 Who is married to…?
 Who killed…?
 Who owns…?/ Who owned…?
 Who refused to…?
 Who said…?
 Who sang…?
 Who starred in…?
 Who warned that…?
 Who was married to… (when…?
 Who won…?
 Who wrote…?
 Whose advertising slogan…?
 Whose first film/ job/… was…?
 Whose national bird is…?
 Whose nickname/ real name/ maiden name/ code name/… name was…?

Do the same with other who, which, whose and what questions, this time without looking at
the suggested question starters.

Do the opposite, giving your partner an answer and seeing if they can think of a question
which that is the answer to. Other questions which you didn’t think of are also okay, as
long as there aren’t other more obvious answers to that question.

Written by Alex Case for © 2020

p. 2

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