Names of Jobs- Subject Questions Quiz


Students practise both subject questions and a wide range of jobs people do vocabulary by setting each other easy quiz questions, then try to remember how suffixes are used to make job nouns.

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Names of jobs subject questions quiz

with names of jobs word formation

Work together to answer these questions, using the big list below to help if you need to.

  • Who makes and sells bread?
  • Who delivers letters?
  • Who plays a piano?
  • Whose job title is two words starting with P and O?
  • Who teaches in someone’s house?
  • Which person is in charge of the day-to-day running of a company?
  • Whose job involves cutting and selling meat?
  • Who fixes pipes and water problems?
  • What kind of doctor is called “Mr…”, not “Dr…”?
  • Who made horseshoes?
  • Who do you pay to come to your house and look after your children for a few hours?


Match the questions to these mixed answers:

  • A babysitter.
  • A baker does.
  • A blacksmith did.
  • A butcher’s does.
  • A CEO is.
  • A pianist does.
  • A plumber does.
  • A police officer’s is.
  • A postal worker does.
  • A private tutor does.
  • A surgeon is.

Together analyse the structure of the questions and answers above.

How are the other questions and answers different from “Who do you pay to come to your house and look after your children for a few hours?” “A babysitter”.

In which kind of question is the question word (= “Wh word”) the subject of the question?

Make similar questions to test your partner on words from the next page below, giving them different options to choose from if they aren’t sure.

Ask about any words which you don’t understand, making similar questions to get that word once you understand.

Work together to answer these questions about the differences between similar jobs:

  • Which is a full-time professional job, a nanny or a babysitter?
  • Which is better paid, a banker or a bank clerk?

Test each other on differences between similar words below with questions starting with “Which…?”


Jobs to ask questions about and guess

actor                                               au pair                              babysitter

baker                                              bank clerk                                      banker

bar tender                                      barber                                             barista

baseball player               blacksmith                                     bouncer

builder                              butcher                             cameraman/ camera operator

care worker                                   caretaker/ janitor                          carpenter

CEO                                               chauffeur                                        chef

civil servant/ public servant                                                  comedian

cook                                                critic                                                customs officer

director                             electrician                                      emperor

engineer                                        entrepreneur

estate agent/ real estate agent/ realtor                               fiancé/ fiancée

flight attendant                florist                                               footballer/ football player

GP/ general practitioner              homemaker                                   immigration officer

interpreter                                      king                                                 lecturer

magician                                        manager                                        masseur/ masseuse

mayor                                             mechanic                                       monk

musician                                        nanny                                             newsreader/ news anchor

novelist                            nun                                                 nutritionist

office worker                                  PA                                                   photographer

pianist                                            plumber                                          police officer

politician                                        postal worker                  priest

prime minister                 private tutor                                   professor

psychiatrist                                    psychologist                                  queen

receptionist                                    sailor                                              sales assistant

sales rep/ sales representative                                            security guard

server                                             social worker                                 soldier

surgeon                                          TA/ teaching assistant   tailor

technician/ service engineer                                                television celebrity

television presenter                      therapist                                         town councillor

traffic warden                  translator                                      vet/ veterinarian


Jobs word formation

Without looking above, add suffixes or words to the words below to make job titles/ names of jobs. You don’t need to change the root words there.

  • act
  • bank
  • baseball
  • build
  • camera
  • care work
  • customs
  • direct
  • electric
  • interpret
  • magic
  • music
  • novel
  • nutrition
  • office
  • photograph
  • reception
  • sail
  • social
  • assist
  • present
  • violin

--------------------------fold, cover or cut------------------------

Use these mixed suffixes and words to help. Most have more than one example above.












Check with the list of jobs above. Some may have other answers, so please check if you wrote something different.

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