Magic E bluff
Lying game to practise words with and without magic E after short vowels and single consonants
Lesson Plan Content:
Magic E bluff
Student A
Choose one of the lines on your worksheet and make it wrong by:
- adding another (imaginary) word to make it into a pair of words both with and without a final Magic E (if there is only one there)
- delete one of the words from the pair that is there (pretending that one doesn’t exist)
- making up one or more imaginary definitions
- swapping the definitions of the word with Magic E and the word without Magic E
- changing the pronunciation or spelling of one of the words
Read out the falsified word or words, including spelling, meanings and pronunciation, and see if your partner can spot what is wrong.
- mad made
- same
- ten
- big
- time
- not note
- brake
- tap tape
- at ate
- that
- jet
- him
- slim slime
- this
- bit bite
- sit site
- hop hope
- put
- pal pale
- tan
- rat rate
- leg
- side
- pin pine
- kit kite
- fog
Upper Intermediate
- lab
- wed
- gen gene
- pride
- rid ride
- ’til tile
- fin fine
- pip pipe
- spit spite
- cod code
- god
- cop cope
- tub tube
- dab
- glad glade
- dam dame
- nap nape
- sat sate
- spat spate
- yen
- grim grime
- din dine
- mitt mite
- mod mode
- nod node
- lop lope
- slop slope
- dot dote
- crud crude
- tug
- jut jute
- mutt mute
Student B
Choose one of the lines on your worksheet and make it wrong by:
- adding another (imaginary) word to make it into a pair of words both with and without a final Magic E (if there is only one there)
- delete one of the words from the pair that is there (pretending that one doesn’t exist)
- making up one or more imaginary definitions
- swapping the definitions of the word with Magic E and the word without Magic E
- changing the pronunciation or spelling of one of the words
Read out the falsified word or words, including spelling, meanings and pronunciation, and see if your partner can spot what is wrong.
- plan plane
- cat
- hat hate
- pet
- dinner diner
- his
- cut cute
- sale
- cap cape
- mat mate
- bed
- hid hide
- time
- win wine
- quit quite
- rob robe
- but
- tale
- can cane
- fat fate
- grate
- yet
- rip ripe
- strip stripe
- rod rode
- cub cube
Upper Intermediate
- fad fade
- hen
- slid slide
- tide
- dim dime
- shin shine
- spin spine
- whip wipe
- wok woke
- con cone
- throne
- pop pope
- rot rote
- trad trade
- gal gale
- sham shame
- pan pane
- yap
- slat slate
- bib
- prim prime
- grip gripe
- bod bode
- pod
- mop mope
- tot tote
- rub rube
- dud dude
- dun dune
- glut glute
- lute
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