Elementary consonant clusters the same or different


Minimal pairs and homophones with consonant clusters for low-level learners

By: Alex Case
Level: Beginner
Theme: General
Study Area: Pronunciation
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Lesson Plan Content:

Elementary consonant clusters the same or different

Listen to your teacher read out pairs of words and raise the “The same” or “Different” card that you are given depending on what you think about the pronunciations of those words.

Label the lines below with “S” for the same pronunciation and “D” for different pronunciation.

Check as a class.

Ask about any words which you labelled wrongly, any words which you don’t understand, etc. (Words in italics are too high level to be worth asking about at this stage).

Test each other in pairs:

  • play the same raising cards game
  • say two with different pronunciations and see if your partner can explain how they differ
  • say one which has one with a different pronunciation next to it, and see if your partner can spell it
  • say and spell one which has one with the same pronunciation next to it, and see if your partner can say the other one’s spelling and/ or meaning


Cards to hold up


The same






The same




The same






The same




The same






The same




The same






The same




Initial consonant clusters

Elementary initial bl consonant clusters

  1. black/ plaque
  2. blue/ brew


Elementary initial br consonant clusters

  1. brand/ bland
  2. break/ brake


Elementary initial dr consonant clusters

  1. drug/ drag
  2. dry/ try


Elementary initial fl consonant clusters

  1. flu/ flew
  2. fly/ fry


Elementary initial fr consonant clusters

  1. froze/ flows


Elementary initial gl consonant clusters

  1. glass/ grass


Elementary initial gr consonant clusters

  1. great/ grate
  2. green/ grin
  3. Greece/ grease


Elementary initial kl consonant clusters

  1. close/ clothe


Elementary initial kr consonant clusters

  1. cross/ across
  2. crowd/ cloud


Elementary initial pl consonant clusters

  1. plane/ plain


Elementary initial pr consonant clusters

  1. present/ pleasant


Elementary initial sk consonant clusters

  1. ski/ sky


Elementary initial skr consonant clusters

  1. screen/ scream


Elementary initial skw consonant clusters

  1. square/ scare


Elementary initial sl consonant clusters

  1. sleep/ slip
  2. slight/ slide
  3. slow/ silo


Elementary initial sm consonant clusters

  1. small/ sumo


Elementary initial sn consonant clusters

  1. snack/ snuck
  2. snow/ snore


Elementary initial sp consonant clusters

  1. spa/ super
  2. spend/ spent
  3. sport/ support


Elementary initial spr consonant clusters

  1. spring/ supreme


Elementary initial st consonant clusters

  1. staff/ stuff
  2. stairs/ stares
  3. steal/ steel


Elementary initial str consonant cluters

  1. straight/ strait
  2. strange/ estrange


Elementary initial sw consonant clusters

  1. sweet/ seat


Elementary initial thr consonant clusters

  1. through/ throw


Elementary initial tr consonant clusters

  1. travel/ trouble


Elementary initial tw consonant clusters

  1. twin/ to win


Final consonant clusters

Elementary final ft consonant clusters

  1. gift/ gifts
  2. left/ lift


Elementary final fth consonant clusters

  1. fifth/ fifths


Elementary final ks consonant clusters

  1. box/ vox
  2. mix/ mixed


Elementary final kst consonant clusters

  1. text/ texts


Elementary final kt consonant clusters

  1. act/ a cult


Elementary final ksth consonant clusters

  1. sixth/ six


Elementary final ld consonant clusters

  1. cold/ called


Elementary final lf consonant clusters

  1. self/ shelf


Elementary final lp consonant clusters

  1. help/ hep


Elementary final mp consonant clusters

  1. lamp/ ramp


Elementary final nch consonant clusters

  1. lunch/ launch


Elementary final nd consonant clusters

  1. band/ banned
  2. kind/ kinder
  3. mind/ mined
  4. N/ end
  5. send/ sent


Elementary final ndj consonant clusters

  1. orange/ orangey


Elementary final nk consonant clusters

  1. bank/ bunk
  2. thank/ sank
  3. think/ sink


Elementary final ns consonant clusters

  1. once/ ones


Elementary final nt consonant clusters

  1. aunt/ earnt
  2. sent/ scent


Elementary final nth consonant clusters

  1. month/ months
  2. ninth/ nines


Elementary final sk consonant clusters

  1. ask/ asked


Elementary final st consonant clusters

  1. first/ fast
  2. guest/ guessed
  3. past/ passed
  4. west/ vest

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