Consonant clusters The same or different game
Minimal pairs and homophones with consonant + consonant groups of sounds like pl and ngs
Lesson Plan Content:
Consonant clusters: 'The same or different' game with homophones and minimal pairs
Listen to your teacher or a classmate read out two words from below and raise one of your two cards depending on what you think about the pronunciation.
Circle the two words with the same pronunciation in each line below.
balled bawled bowled
billed build built
bled bread bred
blew blue brew
blues brews bruise
chords codes cords
clause claws close
clues crews cruise
flaw floor flow
flea flee free
fleck flecks flex
fold hold holed
grade grate great
grease greases Greece
kneads knees needs
lacks lax racks
links lynx rinks
pealed peeled peered
play pray prey
plays prays praise
pleas please police
sacks sax sucks
slew threw through
staid state stayed
stair stare steer
steal steel still
straight straights straits
straight strait strayed
tacked tact tucked
tacks tax tux
wax whack whacks
Test each other in the same way, making sure that you pronounce each word with just one syllable.
Cards to hold up
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
Suggested answers
balled bawled bowled
billed build built
bled bread bred
blew blue brew
blues brews bruise
chords codes cords
clause claws close
clues crews cruise
flaw floor flow
flea flee free
fleck flecks flex
fold hold holed
grade grate great
grease greases Greece
kneads knees needs
lacks lax racks
links lynx rinks
pealed peeled peered
play pray prey
plays prays praise
pleas please police
sacks sax sucks
slew threw through
staid state stayed
stair stare steer
steal steel still
straight straights straits
straight strait strayed
tacked tact tucked
tacks tax tux
wax whack whacks
Test each other on the same words in different ways:
- Read out two from one line and see if your partner can say if they are homophones or not
- Spell two homophones and see if your partner can pronounce them
- Spell two words from the same line and see if your partner can pronounce them
- Read one of the homophones and see if your partner can spell the other
- Read out one of the homophones and see if your partner can spell it both ways
- Read out the odd one out and see if your partner can spell it
- Read out one word and see if your partner can spell it, with two different spellings if there is a homophone
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