Third Person Statements- Bluffing Coin Game


Present Simple with -s practice with a coin deciding if students should lie or tell the truth and their partner guessing if it was fact or imagination, followed by controlled practice of negative third person Present Simple.

By: Alex Case
Level: Beginner
Theme: General
Study Area: Present Tenses
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Lesson Plan Content:

Third Person Statements- Bluffing Coin Game

Flip a coin and look to see if heads or tails is top without showing the coin to your partner.

Say something with third person S like in the table below, making the statement true or

false depending on what side of the coin is top:

Heads = Make a true statement

Tails = Make a false statement

Maybe after asking you questions like “Why does she do that so early?”, your partner

should guess if what you said is true or not. Then show your partner the coin so they can

see if you were lying or not.

Possible true or false third person statements

My (best) friend

My (English/ Japanese/ sports/

maths) teacher

My aunt

My classmate

My coach

My cousin

My doll

My father

My father’s friend

My grandfather

My grandmother

My great-grandfather

My great-grandmother

My middle brother/ sister

My mother

’s birthday is/ isn’t…

’s favourite… is/ isn’t…

’s… is… minutes by…

… at… o’clock

… at… past/ to...

… every morning

… in January/ February/…

… in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter

… on… days

cleans – doesn’t clean

cooks – doesn’t cook

drinks – doesn’t drink

drives – doesn’t drive

eats – doesn’t eat

feels – doesn’t feel

goes – doesn’t go

Written by Alex Case for © 2016

My mother’s cousin

My oldest brother/ sister

My pet

My teddy bear

My uncle

My youngest brother/ sister

has – doesn’t have (in…)

is – isn’t

is from – isn’t from

likes – doesn’t like

listens to – doesn’t listen to

lives – doesn’t live

name is/ isn’t

plays – doesn’t play

reads – doesn’t read

rides – doesn’t ride

sings – doesn’t sing

wakes up – doesn’t wake up

wants – doesn’t want

wants to – doesn’t want to

washes – doesn’t wash

watches – doesn’t watch

wears – doesn’t wear

Written by Alex Case for © 2016

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