Unreal Past Sentence Completion


Past tenses for theoretical situations practice through three fun games, all based on typical Unreal Past sentences to complete.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: Time
Study Area: Past Tenses
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Lesson Plan Content:

Unreal Past Sentence Completion

Complete at least half the sentences below with something that you really think.
Complete at least half of the sentences below with a mix of true and false information.
Work together to find and complete the sentences below with things you have in common.

Note that not all the sentences below need Unreal Past.

If you wrote a mix of your own true and false information, read out a sentence, answer
questions about that situation (still lying if it was imaginary), then see if your partner can
guess if it was true or not.
If you wrote just your own true information, read out just the part you have written (not the
part that is already printed there) and see if your partner can guess which sentence that
comes from.

Useful phrases for playing the sentence completion guessing game
“No, that isn’t possible (grammatically) because… Please try again.”
“No, it can’t be that because…. Any other ideas?”
“That would have to be… to be grammatically correct, and my sentence was…”
“No, that doesn’t make (much) sense because… Have another go.”
“No, that isn’t true (for me) because… Which other sentence could it be, do you think?”
“That’s possible, but…”
“That’s grammatically correct, but…”
“That’s close, but…”/ “Good guess, but…”
“That is also true, but it isn’t the sentence I’ve written. Can you think of another?”
“Yes, that is exactly what I’ve written. It’s your turn.”

Unreal Past collocations presentation
First of all without looking at the examples, write typical words to go in each gap below.
They both have several answers.

 If only he ________________________________________________________....

 I _________________________________________________________ wish…

Check with the example sentences.

Written by Alex Case for © 2020

p. 1

I wish I ______________________________________________________________.

I hope I ___________________________________________________________.

I really want my _________________________________________________________.

I really really wish people ________________________________________________.

I wish I didn’t ________________________________________________________.

If I was ________________________________________________________________.

I would _______________________________________________________________.

I wouldn’t _____________________________________________________________.

I won’t _______________________________________________________________.

If only the world wasn’t ____________________________________________________.

If only my neighbour wouldn’t _____________________________________________.

I hope I won’t _________________________________________________________.

I wish I had ___________________________________________________________.

I wish I hadn’t __________________________________________________________.

I do wish my parents hadn’t ________________________________________________.

If I hadn’t _______________________________________________________________.

If my teachers had _______________________________________________________.

I would have ____________________________________________________________.

I wouldn’t have ________________________________________________________.

If only someone had _____________________________________________________.

I’d rather my boss ______________________________________________________.

Written by Alex Case for © 2020

p. 2

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