Simple Irregular and Regular Plurals Presentation
Easy presentation task for irregular plural nouns and regular plural nouns.
Lesson Plan Content:
Simple irregular and regular plurals presentation
On each line below, only one of the nouns has a regular plural (+s/ +es/ -ies) and the other is irregular. Change the one regular one to the plural and also change the irregular one if you can. You can skip the irregular plural if you aren’t sure, but please always change one on each line to the regular plural before you move onto the next line.
boy man
girl woman
human person
child kid
foot hand
postman teacher
air hostess policewoman
pupil schoolchild
homemaker housewife
tongue tooth
mouse rat
knife roof
dolphin goldfish
criminal thief
loaf bread roll
branch leaf
death life
deer horse
Upper Intermediate
century millennium
serial series
material medium
crisis panic
individual yourself
alumnus fellow graduate
axis line
half quarter
goat sheep
duck goose
fox wolf
pony reindeer
factory steelworks
means way
innings run
analysis calculation
event phenomenon
dissertation thesis
bacterium virus
hypothesis theory
summary synopsis
combination synthesis
boost stimulus
organism species
basis foundation
flea louse
spacecraft spaceship
tuna whale
calf piglet
lake oasis
brown bear wild boar
salmon sardine
clam squid
tadpole trout
criterion checklist
diagnosis treatment
biceps muscle
pheasant quail
bison cow
moose polar bear
faux pas slipup
caterpillar larva
nervous tick neurosis
electron nucleus
cure prognosis
sheaf sheet
layer stratum
conference symposium
spine vertebra
executive summary précis
assignation rendezvous
intersection locus
battalion corps
metamorphosis transformation
cow ox
elf pixie
dwarf troll
pig swine
hoof proof
carp crab
eel koi
futon samurai
geek otaku
mussel starfish
automaton robot
edit erratum
Try to make generalisations about what kinds of words are irregular above, then use patterns those to fill in some of the other irregular plurals.
Use the hints below to add and check more irregular plurals above.
- a final “-f” often changes to “-ves”
- final “-um” in Latin words often changes to “-a”
- final “-is” sometimes changes to “-es”
- final “-us” in Latin words often changes to “-i”
- final “-on” in Latin words sometimes changes to “-a”
- final “-a” in singular Latin words sometimes changes to “-ae”
- animals and fish are often the same in the singular and plural (but shellfish tend to have regular plurals)
- some animals and other words such as some body parts change the vowel in the middle of the word
- some old (and often outdated) words have very irregular plural forms like “-en”
- foreign words which still seem foreign tend to be the same in the singular and plural, especially if they only refer to foreign things
- some singular words ending in “-s” don’t change in the plural (although the pronunciation sometimes changes)
- final “-s” in French words usually doesn’t change when changing to the plural, but English speakers sometimes pronounce the “-s” only when it is a plural
Check as a class or with the answer key, then test each other in pairs:
- Read out a pair above and see if your partner can say the regular plural back
- Read out a pair above and see if your partner can say which one is irregular
- Read out a word which makes an irregular plural and see if your partner can say the plural
- Read out a pair above and see if your partner can make both plurals
Suggested answers
boys men
girls women
humans people
children kids
feet hands
postmen teachers
air hostesses policewomen
pupils schoolchildren
homemakers housewives
tongues teeth
mice rats
knives roofs
dolphins goldfish
criminals thieves
loaves bead rolls
branches leaves
deaths lives
deer horses
Upper Intermediate
centuries millennia
serials series
materials media
crises panics
individuals yourselves
alumni fellow graduates
axes lines
halves quarters
goats sheep
ducks geese
foxes wolves
ponies reindeer
factories steelworks
means ways
innings runs
analyses calculations
events phenomena
dissertations theses
bacteria viruses
hypotheses theories
summaries synopses
combinations syntheses
boosts stimuli
organisms species
bases foundations
fleas lice
spacecraft spaceships
tuna whales
calves piglets
lakes oases
brown bears wild boar
salmon sardines
clams squid
tadpoles trout
criteria checklists
diagnoses treatments
biceps muscles
pheasants quail
bison cows
moose polar bears
faux pas slipups
caterpillars larvae
nervous ticks neuroses
electrons nuclei
cures prognoses
sheaves sheets
layers strata
conferences symposia
spines vertebrae
executive summaries précis
assignations rendezvous
intersections loci
battalions corps
metamorphoses transformations
cows oxen
elves pixies
dwarves trolls
pigs swine
hooves proofs
carp crabs
eels koi
futons samurai
geeks otaku
mussels starfish
automata robot
edits errata
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