Plurals of Words Ending In -Y Activities
-ys and -ies ending review, including a simplest responses listening game, mazes,
Lesson Plan Content:
Plurals of words ending in y activities
Plurals of words ending in y simplest responses game
Without looking below, listen to your teacher and raise the “-ys” or the “-ies” card that you have been given, depending on what you think about the plural that you hear, or what you think about the plural of the singular word that you hear.
Cards to hold up
-ys |
-ies |
-ys |
-ies |
-ys |
-ies |
-ys |
-ies |
Similar plurals presentation
Write the plurals of the words below. Ones on the same line have the same kind of plural. Try to work out the rules as you do so, and use that to help with later lines.
baby battery
boy day
dictionary documentary
factory French fry
holiday key
library nationality
photocopy story
strawberry university
ashtray essay
accessory activity
apology city
country emergency
enquiry lady
memory party
raspberry reply
similarity story
ability accessory
allergy body
birthday deejay
delay highway
journey monkey
necessity opportunity
play tray
university variety
way weekday
Upper Intermediate
alley attorney
buoy cowboy
currency delivery
display guy
homestay motorway
mystery policy
priority property
puppy obituary
quantity query
redundancy remedy
screenplay survey
trolley turkey
abbey alleyway
alloy archway
array bay
cemetery certainty
chimney choirboy
cockney convoy
curiosity daisy
decoy donkey
emissary entity
envoy fairway
fantasy fatality
ferry festivity
fishery forgery
formality functionary
galley homeboy
identity ideology
idiosyncrasy impurity
inaccuracy inconsistency
indignity intermediary
jersey jockey
joy kidney
lackey medley
melody mercenary
methodology missionary
monastery monopoly
municipality nanny
nappy novelty
obscenity oddity
osprey pageboy
paperboy passageway
pathway payday
peculiarity penalty
playboy ploy
pony poppy
possibility principality
pulley quay
rarity refinery
relay runway
schoolboy sickbay
slipway stingray
stowaway stray
sunray tomboy
tragedy treaty
tributary utility
vacancy vagary
volley walkway
Different plurals presentation
On each line below, one word should have a plural ending in “-ys” and the other should end in “-ies”. Add “-s” to one and change to the other in “-ies”.
baby boy
butterfly day
dictionary holiday
key library
photocopy toy
apology ashtray
country essay
accessory birthday
century deejay
delay duty
gallery highway
injury journey
memory monkey
opportunity play
strategy tray
university way
weekday worry
Upper Intermediate
alley ally
anxiety attorney
authority buoy
commodity cowboy
currency display
enemy guy
homestay inequality
minority motorway
mystery survey
theory trolley
turkey victory
abbey agency
alloy amenity
antibody archway
army array
atrocity bay
bellboy beneficiary
boundary castaway
cemetery chimney
cockney colony
contingency convoy
daisy decoy
deformity donkey
dual carriageway embassy
entity envoy
equity fairway
fantasy homeboy
identity jersey
kidney laboratory
lackey liability
luminary medley
methodology osprey
ovary pageboy
pansy paperboy
passageway pastry
pathway penalty
philosophy playboy
ploy pony
principality pulley
quality quay
rarity relay
robbery runway
schoolboy sensitivity
sickbay signatory
slipway specialty
stowaway subsidy
sunray sympathy
tendency tomboy
treaty volley
washday welly
Try to work out the rules for which kinds of words take which ending, then use that to start checking your answers.
Plurals of nouns ending with –y maze activities
Start from the top left square in the table. Find the next square which has the same plural form/ plural spelling, then follow the other squares with the same plural ending vertically or horizontally until you reach the bottom left square. When you have a single complete line from beginning to end, check that all the other squares have different plural endings.
Elementary to Intermediate
baby |
party |
photocopy |
reply |
category |
bully |
butterfly |
country |
apology |
nationality |
party |
story |
key |
gallery |
memory |
birthday |
delay |
highway |
journey |
toy |
way |
play |
duty |
essay |
body |
battery |
lady |
library |
hobby |
monkey |
disability |
injury |
factory |
cherry |
dictionary |
deejay |
charity |
allergy |
accessory |
subsidiary |
discovery |
ashtray |
Upper Intermediate
turkey |
valley |
ferry |
authority |
democracy |
economy |
fly |
trolley |
luxury |
gallery |
mystery |
redundancy |
lorry |
alley |
remedy |
ministry |
community |
obituary |
county |
motorway |
commodity |
quantity |
ally |
delivery |
priority |
survey |
facility |
currency |
minority |
policy |
query |
attorney |
display |
homestay |
screenplay |
cowboy |
industry |
ceremony |
enemy |
community |
property |
buoy |
army |
agency |
entity |
antibody |
melody |
penalty |
boundary |
ferry |
donkey |
jockey |
ploy |
oddity |
envoy |
embassy |
castaway |
cemetery |
playboy |
tragedy |
kidney |
capability |
choirboy |
fairy |
storey |
symphony |
jersey |
treaty |
volley |
subsidy |
relay |
stray |
medley |
missionary |
abbey |
daisy |
tapestry |
runway |
quay |
pulley |
alloy |
diary |
specialty |
sickbay |
Answer key – The big list of plurals of words ending in –y
- babies
- batteries
- boys
- butterflies
- celebrities
- cherries
- cities
- days
- dictionaries
- documentaries
- factories
- French fries
- hobbies
- holidays
- keys
- libraries
- nationalities
- photocopies
- stories
- strawberries
- toys
- accessories
- activities
- apologies
- ashtrays
- countries
- emergencies
- enquiries
- essays
- ladies
- memories
- parties
- raspberries
- similarities
- television personalities
- abilities
- allergies
- birthdays
- bodies
- bullies
- categories
- centuries
- ceremonies
- charities
- deejays
- delays
- difficulties
- disabilities
- discoveries
- duties
- galleries
- highways
- injuries
- journeys
- monkeys
- necessities
- opportunities
- personalities
- plays
- replies
- responsibilities
- salaries
- spies
- strategies
- studies
- subsidiaries
- supplies
- trays
- universities
- varieties
- ways
- weekdays
- worries
Upper Intermediate
- alleys
- allies
- anxieties
- attorneys
- authorities
- buoys
- casualties
- ceremonies
- commodities
- communities
- controversies
- counties
- cowboys
- currencies
- deliveries
- democracies
- displays
- duties
- economies
- enemies
- facilities
- ferries
- flies
- galleries
- guys
- homestays
- humanities
- industries
- inequalities
- lorries
- luxuries
- ministries
- minorities
- motorways
- mysteries
- obituaries
- policies
- priorities
- properties
- puppies
- quantities
- queries
- redundancies
- remedies
- screenplays
- societies
- surveys
- theories
- trolleys
- turkeys
- valleys
- victories
abbeys abnormalities adversaries agencies
alleyways alloys ambiguities amenities
analogies annuities anomalies antibodies
antiquities archways armies arrays
arteries atrocities autobiographies bays
beauties bellboys beneficiaries boundaries
capabilities capacities castaways cemeteries
certainties chimneys choirboys cockneys
colonies commentaries competencies constituencies
contemporaries contingencies convoys curiosities
daisies decoys deficiencies deformities
deities delicacies dependencies deputies
destinies diaries dignitaries discrepancies
disparities distilleries donkeys doorways
driveways dual carriageways eccentricities embassies
emissaries entities entries envoys
equities estuaries eventualities extremities
fairies fairways fantasies fatalities
ferries festivities fisheries follies
forgeries formalities functionaries galaxies
galleys hippies homeboys hostilities
identities ideologies idiosyncrasies impurities
inaccuracies inadequacies inconsistencies indignities
inefficiencies insecurities intermediaries ironies
irregularities jerseys jockeys joys
kidneys laboratories lackeys liabilities
localities loyalties luminaries medleys
melodies mercenaries mercies methodologies
miseries missionaries monasteries monopolies
municipalities nannies nappies necessities
novelties obscenities oddities ospreys
ovaries pageboys pansies paperboys
passageways pastries pathways paydays
peculiarities penalties philosophies playboys
ploys ponies poppies possibilities
principalities prophecies pulleys qualities
quays rarities refineries relays
repositories robberies royalties rubies
runways schoolboys sensibilities sensitivities
sickbays signatories slipways specialities
specialties stingrays storeys stowaways
strays subsidies sunrays sympathies
symphonies tapestries tendencies territories
tomboys tragedies treaties tributaries
utilities vacancies vagaries volleys
walkways washdays waterways wellies
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