Nouns which are both Countable and Uncountable- Pictionary


Nouns which have different meanings when they are uncountable and when they are countable review, making the meanings clear and memorable through sketches.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Nouns
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Lesson Plan Content:

Nouns which are both countable and uncountable pictionary

Choose and draw one of the things below. The two pictures with the same noun must always be different, and usually very different, so make sure that what you draw matches exactly the phrase that you chose (not the other thing on the same line). Continue until your partner guesses exactly what you chose, including your partner getting -s or no -s right.

Ask about any which you are not sure how to draw and/ or are not sure about the differences between, working together to draw both things with the same noun each time.

Match these collocations to the no collocations cards:

action                                                           camera/ spare


bell/ green/ red/ yellow                black/ ground

birthday/ wedding                                      cup

board/ card                                                  freshly caught

broken                                            wine/ sun

cone                                                             left in the tub

cooking/ 99% cocoa                    fancy/ Valentine’s Day

cut                                                                 fully grown

deep, dark                                                   fire

electric/ gas

fried                                                              whole spit-roasted

frozen                                                           leftover

grammar/ maths                                         physical

medium-sized                               spilt

natural/ sun-/ moon-                    Xmas tree/ spot-

news                                                             scrap/ photocopy/ A4

of Paris                                          sticky

overheard                                                    wedding


Find nouns that have the same or similar meanings to these things, or which these are examples of:

chicken wings                                             cups of coffee

a slice of pizza                                            a slice of watermelon

a box of chocolates                                                  a bar of chocolate

a slice of cake                                             heaters

lamps                                                                         movies

a forest                                                         Band Aids

some space                                                              people talking/ chatting

With collocations version


some (fried) chicken



some (whole spit-roasted) chickens


some ice cream (left in the tub)



some ice cream(cone)s


some (spilt) coffee



two (medium-sized) coffees


some (leftover) pizza



some (frozen) pizzas


some (cut) watermelon



some (fully grown) watermelons


some (cooking/ 99% cocoa) chocolate



some (fancy/ Valentine’s Day) chocolates


some (birthday/ wedding) cake



some (cup)cakes


some (black/ ground) pepper



some (bell/ green/ red/ yellow) peppers


some (broken) glass



some (wine/sun)glasses


some fire



some (electric/ gas) fires


some (natural/ sun/moon)light



some (Xmas tree/ spot)lights


some (camera/ spare) film



some (action) films


some (scrap/ photocopy/ A4) paper



some (news)papers


some (fire)wood



a (deep, dark) wood


some (physical) exercise



some (grammar/ maths) exercises


some (freshly caught) game



some (board/ card) games


some plaster (of Paris)



some (sticky) plasters


some room



some (bed)rooms


some (overheard) speech



a (wedding) speech


No collocations version


some chicken



some chickens


some ice cream



some ice creams


some coffee



two coffees


some pizza



some pizzas


some watermelon



some watermelons


some chocolate



some chocolates


some cake



some cakes


some pepper



some peppers


some glass



some glasses


some fire



some fires


some light



some lights


some film



some films


some paper



some papers


some wood



a wood


some exercise



some exercises


some game



some games


some plaster



some plasters


some room



some rooms


some speech



a speech


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