IELTS Speaking Roleplays
Students answer IELTS Speaking questions in good and bad ways, then discuss how useful or not those ways of speaking are.
Lesson Plan Content:
IELTS Speaking roleplays
Choose one of the cards below or one of the cards that you are given. Do that thing as you answer IELTS Speaking Part One questions, answer IELTS Speaking Part Three questions and/ or do IELTS Speaking Part Two tasks that your partner sets you. Don’t tell your partner what is on the card. Continue doing the same thing until they guess what your card says, exaggerating that action and/ or giving hints if they can’t guess correctly. After they get it right, discuss together how good or bad that thing is (or if it doesn’t matter one way or the other). Then take turns doing the same thing.
When you finish the game, look at the whole list and discuss if each thing is good or bad, or whether you don’t have to worry about it.
Ask your teacher if there are any which you don’t know the advisability of.
ask questions back to the examiner (“Do you know…?”, “And you?” etc)
avoid eye contact
be critical/ sarcastic/ negative in your answers
be very positive/ enthusiastic about the things you talk about
change your mind halfway through your answers
check if you can or should talk about something before speaking
check if you have answered the questions
check the meaning of (many/ most) questions before you answer them
check what the questions were halfway through your answers
correct yourself when you make language mistakes
correct yourself when you say something that isn’t (exactly) true
don’t check the meaning of any of the questions – just answer what you imagine the questions might be
express lots of doubt (giving weak opinions, not remembering exactly, etc)
fill all silence
give imaginary answers (= lie or use your imagination in your answers)
give very strong opinions
go off topic
go off topic and then come back to the topic
just ask the examiner to repeat each time you don’t understand the questions (with phrases like “Pardon?”)
make all your answers as long as possible
use lots of gestures
make lots of eye contact
say that you don't (exactly) remember in many different ways
say you don’t understand the questions, using the same couple of phrases each time
say “Let me think” and “Let me see” many times
smile a lot
speak as quickly as possible
think aloud (= say everything that comes into your head to fill silence)
use lots of informal spoken language (phrasal verbs etc)
use phrases with “That is a… question” many times
use words from your own language and then explain what they mean
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