Idioms with as… as call my bluff


As... as idioms bluffing game

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Idioms
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Lesson Plan Content:

Idioms with as… as call my bluff

Choose one of the idioms that you have been given and change one of the first half, second half or definition to something that is wrong but believable such as “As hot as soup”, “As red as hell” or “Very good looking” for “As hot as hell”. Read out both the real version and your changed version and see if the other student(s) can work out which one is a real English idiom.


Student A/ Cards to cut up/ Suggested answers


as blind



as a bat


with bad eyesight


as busy



as a bee


with lots of things to do


as clear



as mud


very difficult to understand


as cool



as a cucumber


very calm


as cunning/ sly



as a fox


clever, but in a bad way


as deaf



as a doorpost


very hard of hearing


as different



as chalk and cheese


very dissimilar, particularly in personality


as drunk



as a Lord


having had too much alcohol


as easy



as pie/ as ABC


very simple


as flat



as a pancake


no hills


as gentle



as a lamb


very kind, soft or even passive

Ask about any idioms which you don’t understand, think could actually be different, etc.


Idioms with as… as call my bluff

Choose one of the idioms that you have been given and change one of the first half, second half or definition to something that is wrong but believable such as “As hot as soup”, “As red as hell” or “Very good looking” for “As hot as hell”. Read out both the real version and your changed version and see if the other student(s) can work out which one is a real English idiom.

Student B/ Cards to cut up/ Suggested answers


as greedy



as a pig


eating too much food


as hard



as nails


very strong (personality/ physique)


as miserable



as sin


very sad


as old



as the hills




as quiet



as a mouse


softly spoken


as quick



a flash


very fast


as regular



as clockwork


happening often


as safe



as houses


a sure bet/ something that must happen


as tough



as leather/ old boots


food, e.g. a steak, that is difficult to chew


as white



as a sheet


with all colour gone, e.g. from fright

Ask about any idioms which you don’t understand, think could actually be different, etc.


Without looking at the cards above, write the missing part in each box below.

as blind



with bad eyesight



as a bee

with lots of things to do

as clear


as mud


as cool


as a cucumber


as cunning/ sly



clever, but in a bad way



as a doorpost

very hard of hearing



as chalk and cheese

very dissimilar, particularly in personality



as a Lord

having had too much alcohol

as easy



very simple



as a pancake

no hills



as a lamb

very kind, soft or even passive

as greedy



eating too much food



as nails

very strong (personality/ physique)

as miserable


as sin


as old




as quiet



softly spoken



as a flash

very fast



as clockwork

happening often

as safe


as houses


as tough



food, e.g. a steak, that is difficult to chew

as white



with all colour gone, e.g. from fright

Check above. Other answers are possible, so check if you wrote something different.

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