Future Arrangements Roleplays


Making and changing arrangements roleplays.

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Making arrangements roleplays

Roleplay situations from below, each time choosing how to communicate: face to face, email, phone, social media, etc.


You both want to invite the other out for food and/ or drinks.



One of you doesn’t want to meet but is too polite to say so.



You are rarely both in the same country at the same time.



For reasons of politeness, you both want the other person to suggest a time or place first.


One of you needs to delay a meeting.



One of you needs to bring forward a meeting.



One of you needs to cancel a meeting.



You both want to meet, but your other plans could easily change.



One of you wants to meet as soon as possible but the other is very busy.



One of you wants to meet as soon as possible, but the other doesn’t see the reason for the rush.


For reasons of politeness, you both offer to meet at the other person’s office.



You can’t agree on a venue.



You want to meet, but you need to arrange it with many other people too.



The venue you agree on is difficult to find.



You’ll be late for a meeting that starts in ten minutes.



One of you can’t make it to the bar where people are already waiting.


Discuss (dis)advantages of the different ways of communicating.

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