BULATS- Speaking Part One


BULATS Speaking script and exam practice on different topics

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BULATS Speaking Part One script and practice

Ask your partner the questions below, sticking exactly to the wording in the script (but skipping the follow-up question in brackets if they have already answered that question).

Examiner: Good morning. Come in. Take a seat please. My name’s _____________ and I’m your examiner today. Can I check your ID, please?

Candidate: ____________________________________________________

Examiner: Thank you. And what would you like me to call you?

Candidate: ____________________________________________________

Examiner: I’d like to start by asking you some questions about yourself. Is that okay?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: Do you live near here?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: Are you working, or are you a student?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: So, I’d like to ask you about your job. What is your typical working day like?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: And do you enjoy your job?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: (Why makes you say that?)

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: Is this your first job?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: And what would you like to do in the future?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: Let’s move on and talk about your free time and hobbies. How do you usually spend your weekends?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: Do you have any plans for this weekend?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

Examiner: How did you use to spend your weekends when you were a child?

Candidate: ______________________________________________________

How could you ask the top three questions with different words?

Switch roles and do it again, but using different language to ask the same questions.

Switch roles again, but this time asking similar past, present and future questions about travel and language study.

Do it one last time, but about two topics that you haven’t talked about yet.

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