BULATS- Speaking about your Job
Speaking about work in BULATS
Lesson Plan Content:
BULATS Speaking about your job
Student A (Examiner)
Part One
After asking some general questions about your partner’s name and home, ask some of these questions about work:
- Are you working or are you a student?
- What exactly do you do in your job?
- Do you like your job? Why do you say that?
- What’s the most difficult/ most enjoyable part of your job?
- How long have you had that job? What did you do before?
- Would you like to have your boss’s job? Why/ Why not?
- What job would you like to have in the future?
- Would you like to set up your own business in the future? Why do you say that?
Part Two
Tell your partner “Choose one of the two topics on this worksheet to talk about for one minute. You have one minute to prepare what you are going to say. You can make notes to help you if you like” and hand them the Student B Worksheet to prepare.
Explain one aspect of your job in detail. You should say: - What you have to do - Who you have to work with to do it - How you can judge whether you are doing it well or not And say whether you enjoy that part of your job or not, and why |
Make a one-minute presentation about a job that you may want to do in the future. Points to include in your answer: - Why you are interested in that job - What people in that job have to do - What experience and qualifications you would probably need to get such a job And say what kind of person would be particularly suited to that job and why |
Stop your partner after one minute and ask one or two questions about what they said during their presentation, e.g. “You said… Do you think…?” or “Why do you think that…?”
Part Three
Tell your partner “Now we are going to have a conversation together. You are visiting a job fair and I am working on one of the employer’s booths. Ask me questions about working for my company, including the questions on this sheet. Start whenever you are ready.” Let them lead the discussion, but you can make up further answers if you need to.
Suggested answers
Main duties: Greeting visitors to the company, answering the phone and data entry
Benefits: Subsidised company cafeteria, free use of gym, shuttle bus from station
Requirements: Experience of customer service, good phone manner, basic computer skills
Then discuss with your partner “What is the most important thing when choosing which company to work for?” You can also give your opinion, but make sure that your partner does most of the speaking. Ask further questions on this topic if you need to.
Student B (Candidate)
Part Two
Choose one of the two tasks below and prepare what you are going to say for one minute. You can make notes to help you if you like.
Explain one aspect of your job in detail. You should say: - What you have to do - Who you have to work with to do it - How you can judge whether you are doing it well or not And say whether you enjoy that part of your job or not, and why
Make a one-minute presentation about a job that you may want to do in the future. Points to include in your answer: - Why you are interested in that job - What people in that job have to do - What experience and qualifications you would probably need to get such a job And say what kind of person would be particularly suited to that job and why
Part Three
You are at a job fair and asking the companies there about working for them. The examiner works for the HR department of a large telecommunications company. Ask them about being a receptionist in their company.
Things to ask about:
- Duties
- Benefits of the job
- Requirements to be able to get that jobs
Then discuss this question together:
What is the most important thing when choosing which company to work for?
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