BULATS Writing- First Lesson
Students get to know each other and find out about the BULATS Writing test
Lesson Plan Content:
BULATS Writing first lesson
Getting to know you/ Needs analysis/ Exam overview
Ask each other about the topics below. Don’t write anything down, but try to remember your partner’s answers because you will need that information for the next stage:
- Use of English at work
- Experience of English language exams
- Previous English studies
Now look under the folded line for your next task.
Write a very quick answer to the question below by selecting the most important information from what your partner told you.
You have received the following email:
Thank you very much for registering one of your employees on our BULATS preparation course. To help the teacher plan the lessons, could you briefly provide a few relevant details about that person? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards Alex Case, Director of Studies, BULATS Only English School |
Write a short reply, including that person’s:
- Use of English at work
- Experience of English language exams
- Previous English studies
When your teacher tells you, show your email to your partner. Is what you wrote accurate and do they think that you included the most important information?
Compare emails with another person. What is similar and different, in terms of format, language, content and organization?
You have just completed a fairly typical BULATS Writing Part One exam task. How would you describe the format of the exam questions?
What else do you know or can you guess about BULATS Writing Part One (timing, scoring, word limit, exam tactics, useful phrases, etc)?
Look at the model answer and information from the official BULATS handbook to check and add to your discussion about the exam.
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