Reported Speech- Extended Speaking
Mini-presentations for indirect speech free speaking practice, with suggested presentation topics and suggested follow-up questions for the people listening.
Lesson Plan Content:
Reported Speech Extended Speaking
Choose one of the situations below and talk about it without interruption for one or two
minutes, particularly talking about what you and other people said in that situation. When
you finish, your partner will ask questions to find out more details about that situation and
Suggested questions to ask after your partner’s presentation
Did anyone ask any questions (about…)? What did they ask?
Did anyone mention…?
Did anyone say anything about…?
Did anyone complain about/ apologise for/ disagree with/ ask/ say/ compliment/ criticise/
recommend/ suggest/ offer/ request/ demand/ promise/ admit/ deny/ agree/ refuse/…?
Did you agree about…?
Did you talk about…?
Did… say…?
Had you discussed… before?
How did… reply (to…)?
What did you talk about (after that/ during…)?
What did you think about… before…?
What did… say (about…)?
What had you heard about… before?
Who first mentioned…?
Who said…?
Who spoke about…?
Who started the conversation?
Who told you that…?
Why did you say that…?
Why did you think that…?
Written by Alex Case for © 2016
Reported Speech Extended Speaking Topics
A celebration
A ceremony (e.g. graduation ceremony)
A club event
A committee (e.g. a local resident’s association meeting)
A complaint
A conversation with a relative/ a colleague/ a teacher/ a classmate/ a bus driver/ cabin
crew/ a coach/ an immigration officer/ a boss/ a doctor/ an in-law/ a friend/ a police of-
ficer/ a shop assistant/ station staff/ a passer-by/ an acquaintance/ a stranger/ a for-
eign visitor/ a tourist/…
A conversation exchange
A date/ A group date
A debate
A discussion on a website (e.g. in the comments section)
A lesson/ A workshop/ A lecture
A meal
A meeting
A negotiation
A networking event
A party (e.g. a housewarming party)
A phone call
A picnic
A political event
A presentation
A protest/ A demonstration
A pub conversation
A radio programme
A request
A Skype conversation
A speech
A teleconference/ A video conference
Written by Alex Case for © 2016
A trade fair/ A trade show/ A conference
A wedding/ A wedding reception
An academic discussion
An apology
An argument/ A quarrel/ A disagreement/ A fight
An email exchange
An enquiry (= asking for information)
An interview
An offer
Being introduced to some people
Going out for drinks
Group brainstorming
Staying at someone’s house
The first day at…
Trying to sell something
Written by Alex Case for © 2016
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Lesson plans & worksheets can be used by teachers without any fee in the classroom; however, please ensure you keep all copyright information and references to in place.
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