Cambridge First Certificate (FCE) Writing- Guided Answer Sheet


Helping student plan, write, edit and work more on their Cambridge B2 First Writing.

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Cambridge B2 First Writing guided answer sheet



Name: ______________________________________________




Use one of these guided answer sheets for each Cambridge First Writing task you do, i.e. you need two to do the whole writing test.

Please sit down with only a pen and watch or stopwatch, and with the required time to do the task(s) without stopping (= 40 or 80 minutes non-stop). An erasable pen is okay, but don’t waste too much time erasing. Follow the instructions below in the order given. Don’t look at the exam question(s) until these instructions tell you to (so not on the train on the way home!) Stop exactly at the exam time limit (40 minutes for each task), then follow the instructions at the bottom of this sheet to do more work on it before you hand it in to your teacher. During this stage, use a different coloured, non-erasable pen, e.g. a red ballpoint pen.


Stage 1: Planning

Write the time below (e.g. 00:00), then look at the question for the first time and plan your answer in the spaces given.

Time on your clock/ stopwatch just before you first look at the question: _____:_____.

Write any brainstorming that you do here (optional)








Write your plan for the body of your writing here (there is no need to describe the opening and closing):

Topic of main paragraph 1/ body paragraph 1: ________________________________.


Topic of main paragraph 2: ______________________________________.


Topic of main paragraph 3 (optional): _______________________________________.

Time when planning finished and ready to start writing: ___:__ (e.g. “02:45” or “6:33 p.m.”)

Stage 2: Timed writing exam practice

Write your answer here in pen in the rest of the time available, including editing at the end (not worrying about neatness too much, as long as the work is easily readable):

























































Approximate number of words when time ran out (40 minutes per task): _____________. (As in the exam, please don’t waste time counting every word!)

Stage 3: Extra work after the timed exam practice

After you have finished your timed task(s), you should spend extra time on your writing before you hand it into your teacher to make sure you learn something from doing the task, but:

  • Use a different coloured pen (e.g. a red pen)
  • No eraser use at this stage

Extra time spent after finishing the timed task(s): ___:____

Actions that you took after finishing the timed task(s) (please tick or write the things you do):

  • Edited again
  • Added text at the end of the writing to reach the word limit
  • Added text in the middle of the writing to reach the word limit
  • Added more complex or more suitable language from the coursebook
  • Added other more complex or more suitable language from this course
  • Added more complex or suitable language from other sources (described here: ____________________________________________________________________)
  • Looked at Cambridge B2 First writing model answers
  • Looked back at the feedback from teachers on your previous writing
  • Asked someone for advice/ feedback/ proofreading
  • Used a dictionary

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