Months- Hangman
Students give hints about what month they are thinking of until their partner can spell that month letter by letter in a hangman spelling game, including personalised speaking and suggested descriptions of what happens in particular months.
Lesson Plan Content:
Months hangman guessing game
months spelling practice/ Present Simple speaking
Choose one of these months:
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Draw a blank line on the board or a piece of paper to represent the name of the month that you chose (“___________________________”). (Don’t write short gaps for each letter like normal hangman, because this will make the game too easy).
Give one hint about which month you are thinking of, using a phrase like those below. Your partner can then guess one letter of the month that you are thinking of, e.g. “T”. If the month that you chose has that letter, write that letter in the correct place on the blank line. If the month that you chose doesn’t include that letter, then write the letter outside the line and draw a cross through it instead. Continue until your partner spells the whole month that you chose, then switch roles and try to guess the month that your partner chooses in the same way. Continue switching roles and doing the same until the teacher stops the game. The person who guesses a whole month with fewest crosses (e.g. just one cross in the seventh round) wins the whole game.
Ask about any hints below you don’t understand, can’t link to a month, etc, working together to link those statements to particular months each time.
Choose one month and take turns making statements about it until someone repeats what has been said, says something untrue, or gives up. Then do the same with other months.
Suggested hints about months
I You It The weather School kids My dad My mum My big brother My little sister My grandfather My grandmother My family My son My daughter My music teacher My neighbour My school teacher My cram school teacher My PE teacher The student next to me My (oldest/ youngest) cousin My (best) friend My boyfriend/ girlfriend My brother’s (best) friend My cat/ your dog/ your pet My daughter My son My husband My wife Priests Football players Postal workers Santa School teachers Life guards |
am/ is/ are busy cook… don’t like drink (hot/ cold)… eat special food eat… feel depressed feel excited feel happy feel… get presents go hiking go skating go skiing go swimming go to church/ temples go to festivals go to school go to the beach go to… hate have a barbecue have free time is cloudy is cold/ freezing is hot/ boiling is humid is rainy is snowy is sunny is windy like love make… play… put up decorations send cards sing (special) songs study… take down decorations travel by… watch… wear special clothes wear… |
(s) |
this month. in this month. |
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