FCE (First Certificate in English) Speaking- Past, Present and Future Dice Game


Questions about different topics and times in Cambridge B2 First Speaking game

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Cambridge First Speaking past, present and future dice game

Version 1

Roll the dice twice. The first roll will decide which topic below and the second roll will decide the time you will talk about, e.g. future work if you throw a three and then a six. Your partner will make that into a question which you should answer, e.g. “What job would you like to have?” The person who rolled the dice answers the questions.

1 = Other languages

2 = Education/ Studies

3 = Work

4 = Family

5 = Home

6 = Free time


1 or 2 = Past

3 or 4 = Present

5 or 6 = Future


Version 2 

Do the same with the more difficult topics below.

1 = Music

2 = Visual arts

3 = Movies

4 = Theatre

5 = Literature

6 = Dance


1 or 2 = Past

3 or 4 = Present

5 or 6 = Future

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