Sports Vocabulary- Janglish
Typical sports vocabulary errors for Japanese-speaking learners of English
Lesson Plan Content:
Sports Janglish
Typical sports vocabulary problems for Japanese learners of English
What does the name “soft tennis” have in common with “salaryman”, “Walkman”, “cosplay” and “anime”?
What’s the difference between “billiards” and “pool”?
What do all the expressions above have in common?
Can you think of any other examples of “Janglish” connected to sport?
What’s the difference in meaning between each pair of words or expressions?
a heading/ a header basket/ basketball
bound/ bounce change ends/ change court
cheer/ yell dead heat/ close game
flying start/ false start handy/ handicap
rugger/ rugby player sailing boat/ yacht
smart/ slim spats/ leggings
trainers/ tracksuit trumps/ cards
What do these “Janglish” expressions mean?
aerobike auto bi back net baton touch
called game catch ball cheer girl dead ball
don(‘t) mi(nd) fighting! full base gerende
guts pose high touch loss time no count
no touch seat knock shoot chance stand play
Add letters to the following to make the words and expressions correct in British and American English:
aerobic (n) ama Ame foot batter box
beach volley billiard body buil goggle
Olympic (n) one side game pitcher mound pro wres
start line starting block time up under throw
What are the differences in meaning between these words in English and Japanese?
bike billiards cameraman to challenge
How are these words pronounced in British or American English?
Asia court/ coat puck/ pack squash
What other meanings do these words have in English?
clay crawl scout wood
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