Opinions on current affairs and media


Students share their opinions on news and news media with the connected vocabulary provided, then brainstorm those and similar news and news coverage words and expressions - also good for opinions phrases practice.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: Society
Study Area: Vocabulary
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Lesson Plan Content:

Opinions on current affairs and media

Give opinions using the words and/ or on the topics on the last page, discuss your opinions for as long as you like with your partner, then listen to and react to your partner’s opinions on different words/ a different topic. Continue doing the same until your teacher stops you.

Ask about any words you don’t know or can’t think of an opinion on, discussing opinions on those things together as a class each time.


Brainstorming stage

First of all without looking below, brainstorm suitable vocabulary into these spaces:

Words connected to newspapers (parts of a newspaper, etc)










Words connected to television










Words connected to radio










Words connected to new media/ online media










Kinds of news/ Kinds of news story (crimes, etc)










People connected to news and media










Positive words connected to news and media










Negative words connected to news and media










Look below for ideas, brainstorm more, then compare your ideas as a class.



(popup/ banner/ targeted) ad/ commercial

animation/ cartoon

box office/ circulation/ ratings

broadsheets – tabloids

business/ economics

(U/ PG/ 12/ 15/ 18/ R) certification

(shopping) channel/ channel hopping

columnists/ editorials/ comment/ opinion

comedy/ sitcom/ sketch show/ stand-up

conflicts/ wars/ armed forces/ defence

conspiracies/ conspiracy theories

(organised/ petty/ white collar) crime

current affairs/ news

(wildlife) documentary

(costume/ historical) drama

environment/ natural disasters/ weather

exclusives/ investigations/ scoops


front pages/ headlines

(celebrity) gossip/ paparazzi

(local/ national) government/ politics/ians

health/ lifestyle

images/ photography/ footage/ captions

domestic news – international news

(citizen) journalists/ reporters

leaks/ whistleblowers/ official secrets

listener/ reader/ viewer(ship)

(mainstream/ alternative/ social) media

music/ DJ

(rolling/ bad/ good/ latest) news

PR/ spin doctors

press/ (Sunday/ women’s) magazines

prime time

public service broadcasting

(AM/ FM/ talk/ local) radio

(financial/ sexual/ political) scandal

science and technology/ sci-fi

sex and violence

(reality/ chat/ quiz/ cop/ talent/ travel) show

society/ social issues/ social problems


streaming/ on demand – download/ podcast

(cable/ satellite/ event/ terrestrial) TV/ telly


alarmist/ sensationalist/ism

balance(d)/ impartial – bias(ed)

ban/ block


boring/ dull – entertaining




decline/ shrink/ doomed – boom/ expand

disgusting/ revolting

disturbing/ shocking


(metropolitan) elite

fake/ made up/ misinformation

frightening/ scary/ terrifying

get worse – improve

important/ crucial/ vital/ essential/ relevant

interesting/ fascinating/ riveting

left wing/ progressive/ liberal

(mathematically/ statistically) (il)literate

low brow – high brow

melodramatic/ sentimental


none of our/ anyone’s business

objective/ity – subjective/ity

overblown/ overlong/ over… - under…




pretentious/ over-intellectual


prosecute/ sue

prurient/ nosy



right wing/ conservative

scare mongering


sold out

snooping/ surveillance

thought provoking

trash/ trashy


unimportant/ trivial/ pointless/ worthless

worth the money/ good value for money


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