Love and Relationships Vocabulary


Practising love and relationships vocabulary through a fun Q&A truth or dare coin game, with a personal relationships vocabulary phrasal verbs, other idioms and other collocations presentation.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Love and relationships vocabulary ask and tell game

with love and relationships collocations

Choose one card and make a (personal or opinion) question about that thing and/ or using those words, then flip a coin. If you get heads (= the picture side) you can ask that question to someone else in your group, but if you get tails (= the number side) you must answer your own question. In other words:

  • Heads = Ask
  • Tails = Tell

If whoever is asked the question rejects it (with “I’d rather not say”, “That’s a bit personal”, etc), they miss their next chance to make a question. People can ask follow up questions if they like, but you don’t have to answer those extra questions if you don’t want to.

Suggested questions about love and relationships

“At what age…?”

“Are you good at…?”

“Do you approve of…?”

“Do you think it’s okay to…?”

“Do you think it’s true that…?”

“Do you think people should…?”

“Do you think… is a good enough reason to…?”

“Has anyone you know…?”

“Have you ever…?”

“How can you decide if…?”

“How do you feel about…?”

“How important is… (to you)?”

“How would you feel if…?”

“How would you… (if you had to/ if the opportunity arose)?

“Under what circumstances is it okay to…?”

“Under what circumstances might you…?”

“What are the (dis)advantages of…?”

“What do you (usually) do…?”

“What do you think about…?”

“What have people told you about…?”

“What kind of…?”

“What would make you…?”

“What would you do if your son/ daughter/ boyfriend/ girlfriend/ father/ mother/ husband/ wife/ sister/ brother…?”

“What would you do if… told you that…?”

“What would you… if…?”

“What’s the best/ worst/ most… (if…)?”

“When did you first/ last…?”

“Would you (ever)…?”

“Would you… if…?”

“Would you say (that you)…?”

When your teacher stops the game, ask about any vocabulary you don’t know, are not sure you used correctly, etc, working together to make suitable questions each time.

Love and relationships vocabulary to ask questions about/ with 


(have an) abortion



(have) an affair



(golden/ silver/ diamond) anniversary





arranged marriage



ask for someone’s hand (in marriage)/ propose


ask someone out (on a date)



beautiful/ fit/ good looking/ handsome/ pretty


best man(‘s speech)






blind date



break up/ split up



bun in the oven/ knocked up/ pregnant


chat up (line)


cheat (on)/ two time/ mess around





contraception (e.g. the pill)



crazy about



(just) a crush/ (only) infatuation/ infatuated (with)


dating agency



disapprove of/ disapproval






double date/ group date



dump someone/ throw someone out


embarrassing/ embarrassment


engaged/ engagement (ring/ party)





fancy someone



female friend/ male friend/ just good friends


fiancé/ fiancée



first date



first kiss



flirt/ flirting






go out with



going out/ going steady









head over heels (in love)



heavy petting



hen night/ stag night






(really/ deeply) in love



dream date


internet (dating)






(white) lie(s)



live together (before marriage)/ shack up


love at first sight



(civil/ church) marriage/ wedding


matchmaker/ matchmaking/ set up (by) someone


mistress/ bit on the side



(serial) monogamy/ monogamous


one night stand



(life) partner



play hard to get



polygamy/ second wife



propose/ proposal



quarrel/ row






reject(tion)/ brush off



(get) remarried/ second marriage


same sex



separate/ separation



settle down






revenge (porn)



sexual harassment



shotgun wedding



sleep around/ sow your wild oats


sleep with



snog/ passionate kiss/ pash (e.g. French kiss)


speed dating



split the bill/ go Dutch






(complete) stranger



unrequited love



Valentine’s Day (present/ card)


wedding ceremony



wedding reception



white wedding/ traditional wedding


workplace romance/ office romance


your type



fall in love/ fall for someone


romantic holiday/ honeymoon


(in)compatible/ compatibility




Love and marriage collocations

Brainstorm as many collocations as you can to the words below by adding words before and/ or after them.






































Mixed answers

Use the words below to help with the task above

  • ask for someone’s hand in
  • ask someone out (on a date)
  • at first sight
  • blind
  • break
  • ceremony
  • chat
  • deeply in
  • fall in
  • first
  • head over heels in
  • knocked
  • re-
  • reception
  • second
  • shack
  • speed
  • split
  • traditional
  • unrequited
  • white

Check your answers with the cards on the first worksheets. Many other collocations are possible, so please check with your teacher if you wrote something different.

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