Giving Directions- Coin Games
Simple and more complicated directions practice through a fun coin game, including checking the instructions and giving directions by email.
Lesson Plan Content:
Giving directions coin games
Work in pairs, taking turns to be Student A and Student B. Choose one section from sections A to J below or look at the section that your teacher tells you to use. Student A flips a coin and asks for directions matching the instructions for that section. If Student B can’t answer the question, do the same for another place. Then switch roles and do the same. Your teacher will tell you if/ when you should change sections. You can describe imaginary locations/ directions if you can’t think of anything true.
A: Places 1
Heads = inside this building (e.g. the cafeteria or the smoking area)
Tails = outside this building
B: Places 2
Heads = you can see the place from this room (through the window or from the open doorway)
Tails = you can’t see the place from this room (because it’s on the other side of the building, on another floor, etc)
C: Places 3
Heads = Student B can explain the position just with relation to other places which Student A already knows (e.g. that it’s next to a restaurant that they know)
Tails = Student B needs to explain both the position and directions for how to get there from here
D: Places 4
Heads = from here
Tails = to here
E: Places 5
Heads = from here (= the starting point is where you are now)
Tails = from somewhere else
F: How to get there
Heads = on foot
Tails = on public transport
G: Checking/ Clarifying 1
Heads = Student A understands Student B’s instructions straightaway
Tails = Student A needs to check something about Student B’s explanation
H: Checking/ Clarifying 2
Heads = Student A checks Student B’s instructions back and gets everything right
Tails = Student A checks Student B’s instructions back but gets something wrong
I: Checking/ Clarifying 3
Heads = Student A thinks they know where the place is but wants to check
Tails = Student A has no idea where the place is
J: How to communicate
Heads = ask directions by email
Tails = ask for directions on the phone
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