Weather and adverbs of frequency discussion questions
Discussing how often with weather vocabulary
Lesson Plan Content:
Weather and adverbs of frequency discussion questions
Take turns asking and answering these questions, starting with the most interesting.
- How often do you enjoy… weather?
- How often do you go out in… weather?
- How often is the weather (here/ where you are) too… for you?
- How often do you eat… when the weather is…?
- How often do you drink… when the weather is…?
- How often do you… when the weather is…?
- How often do you stay inside to escape the weather? What kind of weather makes you do that?
- How often do you… to escape the weather? What kind of weather makes you do that?
- How often does the weather make you feel scared/ happy/ sleepy/ depressed/ sad/ nostalgic/…? What kind of weather makes you feel that way? What do you do when the weather is that way?
Brainstorm suitable language for answering the questions above:
Kinds of weather
Answers to “How often…?” with numbers
Answers to “How often…?” without numbers
Compare your brainstormed language as a class. Then swap groups and ask questions to get as many of the answers above as you can from your partner (with other kinds of questions like “What’s your favourite…?” also okay at this stage).
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