Country and Nationality Words Bluffing Game
Lying game to practise names of countries and nationality adjectives, with suggested yes no questions about countries and things from particular places.
Lesson Plan Content:
Country and nationality word bluffing game and presentation
Part One: Discussion
Take turns asking and answering Yes/ No questions with country and nationality words such as those below. You can then ask for more information with Wh- questions like “Why…?” if you like. You can use the words on the next page to help make questions if you like, but you might have to change the form to match the gap in the question.
- Do you have any (nationality) clothes?
- Do you know any famous people from (country)?
- Do you know any famous sights in (country)?
- Do you know any sportsmen from (country)?
- Do you like any brands from (country)?
- Do you like food from (country)?
- Do you own any (nationality) goods?
- Have you ever changed planes in (country)?
- Have you ever cooked (nationality) food?
- Have you ever driven a car from (country)?
- Have you ever eaten (nationality) food?
- Have you ever flown on a (nationality) airline?
- Have you ever had a (nationality) boss/ colleague/ customer/ friend?
- Have you ever met anyone from (country)?
- Have you ever read a book about (country)?
- Have you ever read a book from (country)?
- Have you ever seen a (nationality) movie?
- Have you ever seen a TV programme about (country)?
- Have you ever studied (language)?
- Have you ever visited (country)?
- Would you like to learn (language)?
- Would you like to visit (country)?
Share a positive answer that you got from your partner, and see if anyone else in class would also say yes to that question.
Ask about anything above or below that you are not sure about, working together to make and answer suitable questions each time.
Fill the table on the next page by writing the word that is there in the right place to its left or right and then filling the other gap on the same line with the right form.
Part Two: Speaking game
Ask similar questions to another partner, but this time your partner must answer “Yes”, even if that answer isn’t true. Ask up to three extra questions about that place or thing (e.g. “Why do you want to go there?” or “Did you enjoy it?”) during which they should continue telling the truth or continue lying. Then guess if their original “Yes” answer was true or not.
Country |
Nationality |
Argentinian |
Austrian |
Belgium |
Brazilian |
British |
Croatian |
Cypriot |
(The) Czech Republic/ Czechia |
Denmark |
Dutch |
Egypt |
England |
French |
Georgian |
Germany |
Greek |
Icelandic |
Ireland |
Italy |
Jordanian |
Kazak |
Maltese |
Mongolian |
North Korea |
Polish |
Portuguese |
Russia |
Scotland |
South African |
Swedish |
Switzerland |
Taiwanese |
Thailand |
The Philippines |
Ukrainian |
Vietnamese |
Welsh |
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