Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Inflation Basket Discussion


Students discuss the economics of basic everyday goods for count and non-count nouns practice, including plural and uncountable error correction.

By: Alex Case
Level: Intermediate
Theme: Money
Study Area: Nouns
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Lesson Plan Content:

Countable and uncountable nouns – the UK inflation basket

You are going to discuss an “inflation basket”. What do you think it is? What might be in it? Why might it be in the news?

Discuss those questions as a class.

Try to guess what things are in these categories for the UK inflation basket.

Used to be in the inflation basket but were removed some time ago







Used to be in the inflation basket but were removed in 2014







Have been in the inflation basket for a while and still are








Were introduced to the inflation basket in 2014







Have never been in the inflation basket







Add these things to the categories above. Some categories have none of these in them. 

  • Canvas shoes
  • Caravans
  • Carpet shampooing
  • Chiropractic
  • Cigars
  • Coal
  • Cooking apples
  • Crisps
  • Dating agency fees
  • Digital radios
  • Fancier digital cameras with interchangeable lenses
  • Fees charged by carpenters
  • Fish and chips
  • Flavoured milk
  • Garlic bread
  • Gas fires
  • Hamsters
  • Hand rolling tobacco
  • Hiking boots
  • Hiring men’s clothes
  • Kebabs
  • Knitting wool
  • Lawnmowers
  • Mangles (for drying clothes manually)
  • Manicures
  • Nanny fees
  • On demand video streaming (watching movies etc online)
  • Organic vegetables
  • Pet insurance
  • Plant food
  • Rabbit meat
  • Replica football team shirts
  • Roasted peanuts
  • Seeds for feeding wild birds
  • Sleeping bags
  • Snacking pots of prepared fresh fruit
  • Sofa beds
  • Trade union subscriptions
  • Vegetarian burgers
  • Wallpaper

Compare four of your ideas with the class, then look at the actual answers below.


The other categories have none of these in them.

Used to be in the inflation basket but were removed some time ago

Rabbit meat

Mangles (for drying clothes manually)

Have been in the inflation basket for a while and still are


Carpet shampooing




Cooking apples


Dating agency fees

Digital radios

Fees charged by carpenters

Fish and chips

Garlic bread

Gas fires


Hand rolling tobacco

Hiking boots


Knitting wool



Nanny fees

Organic vegetables

Pet insurance

Replica football team shirts

Roasted peanuts

Sleeping bags

Sofa beds

Trade union subscriptions

Vegetarian burgers


Were introduced to the inflation basket in 2014

On demand video streaming (watching movies etc online)

Fancier digital cameras with interchangeable lenses

Snacking pots of prepared fresh fruit

Seeds for feeding wild birds

Canvas shoes

Flavoured milk

Plant food

Hiring men’s clothes

Ask about anything you don’t understand, discussing how surprised you are each time.


Countable and uncountable grammar presentation

From memory and/ or your grammar knowledge, cross off “-s” in all the places where it shouldn’t go below.

Canvas shoes


Carpet shampooings




Cooking apples


Dating agency fees

Digital radios

Fancier digital cameras with interchangeable lenses

Fees charged by carpenters

Fishes and chips

Flavoured milks

Garlic breads

Gas fires


Hand rolling tobaccos

Hiking boots

Hiring men’s clothes


Knitting wools


Mangles (for drying clothes manually)


Nanny fees

On demand video streamings (watching movies etc online)

Organic vegetables

Pet insurances

Plant foods

Rabbit meats

Replica football team shirts

Roasted peanuts

Seeds for feeding wild birds

Sleeping bags

Snacking pots of prepared fresh fruit

Sofa beds

Trade union subscriptions

Vegetarian burgers


Check with the original list.


Final discussion and brainstorming 

What things surprised you about the list above (categories or things not mentioned)?

Which of those things would you include in an inflation basket in your country?

Brainstorm a list of possible things for your country’s inflation basket, then choose the top 12, trying to have a representative range of different goods.

Compare with other groups.

Discuss things that might have been in the inflation basket in the past but which wouldn’t be suitable now.

Useful language for talking about changes 

Talking about time


Talking about popularity and importance


When I was (much) younger …

(Back) in the (19)80s …

For my grandparents’ generation…

When my parents were growing up…

When I was in primary school …

Until a few years ago…

When I was in my early/ mid/ late teens/ twenties/…


… were really popular.

… were incredibly trendy.

… everybody used to have.

… everybody wanted …

… everyone was into…

… there was a… boom.

… were fairly important.

… we couldn’t live without… 

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