Health Opinions
Students share what they think about health topics, for health and fitness vocabulary and the language of opinions practice.
Lesson Plan Content:
Opinions on health speaking
Make a true sentence about health and fitness, for example using one of the words below. Does your partner have the same opinions, experiences, etc?
Share one opinion that you agreed on and see if anyone else in the class feels the same way.
Ask about opinions phrases in the last column that you don’t understand, are not sure that you used correctly, etc, working together to make opinions on health with that language each time.
Ask about health vocabulary in the first three columns that you don’t understand, are not sure that you used correctly, etc, working together to make opinions on health with that language each time.
Funding and doing medical research discussion
Discuss (public, private, academic and charity) medical research and funding of medical research as a class.
Where should (most) funding for medical research come from? Where should (most of) that money go?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of public, private, academic and charity organisations funding and doing medical research?
Is there any difference in the kinds of research that governments and NGOs should do and fund, and research that should be left to the private sector?
Read a description of a medical research non-profit and discuss:
- Would you give money to this organisation?
- Would you be happy for your government, your company, etc to give money to this organisation?
- What sort of research do you think this organisation should do?
Topics column 1 |
Topics column 2 |
Abortion(s) Acne/ Teenage spots/ Zits ADHD/ Hyperactive children (Medical/ Lifestyle) advice (pamphlets, blogs, podcasts, Doctor Google, etc) (Dietary/ Animal/ Environmental) allergies (hay fever, etc) Alternative therapies (acupuncture, homeopathy, moxibustion, herbalism, Ayurveda, etc) Anti-oxidants Antibacterial soaps/ materials/… Antibiotics Arthritis Baby boomers (Lower/ Upper) back pain Birth control/ Family planning (the pill, the coil, condoms, etc) (High/ Low) blood pressure Body image problems/ Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphia) Bugs/ Germs (bacteria, fungi, viruses, superbugs such as MRMA, etc) (Empty/ Kilo-) calories (Lung/ Stomach/ Bowel/ Breast/ Prostrate) cancer/ Carcinogens (Complex) carb(ohydrarate)s (starch, sugar, etc) (International) (healthcare/ medical) charities/ NGOs/ NPOs/ organisations (MSF, Red Cross, WHO, etc) (Good/ Bad/ High/ Low) cholesterol (Common) cold/ Sniffle (cough, sore throat, sneezing, blocked up/ runny nose, etc) (Drug/ Medical) costs/ expenses/ fees/ prices DNA (testing)/ Gene therapy/ Stem cells Dementia (Alzheimer’s, etc) Detoxing/ Juicing Drug regulations (FDA, etc) |
Diet/ Dieting (paleo, Atkins, calorie counting, Weight Watchers, etc) Digestion (constipation, diarrhoea/ the runs/ the trots, indigestion, etc) (Mental/ Physical) disabilities Dizziness (Blood/ Organ) donors/ donation (IV) drips (Generic/ Prescription/ Non-prescription/ Over-the-counter/ Soft/ Hard) drugs Drug companies/ Big pharma E-cigarettes/ Vaping Epidemics/ Pandemics (Light/ Strenuous/ Aerobic) exercise (Health) fad(s) (Trans/ Saturated/ Unsaturated) fats Fertility treatment (surrogate mothers, test tube babies, sperm donation, etc) (High) fever/ Temperature (Dietary) fibre First aid (first aid kits, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, etc) Five a day Flu/ Influenza Folk medicine Hangover (cure)s Headaches/ Migraines Health scares Heart problems Hiccups/ Hiccoughs Hormones (endorphins, oestrogen, etc) Hospices/ Nursing homes Hypochondriacs/ Hypochondria Immune system (white blood cells, etc) Infections Injections/ Jabs/ Inoculation/ Vaccination(s) (Life/ National/ Private health/ Private medical) insurance Itching/ Itchiness Keyhole surgery Lifestyle diseases (diabetes, gout, blood pressure, etc) |
Topics column 3 |
(Optional) opinions |
(Medical) marihuana Masks Medical technology (X-rays, MRI, endoscopes, laser surgery, etc) (Randomised) (double blind) medical trials (Male) menopause Mental health problems (bi-polar, chronic depression, schizophrenia, etc) Metabolic syndrome Mind over matter Nutrition (protein, vitamins, minerals, etc) Obesity Outpatient care (Chronic/ Mild) pain relief/ Painkillers (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, opiates, etc) (Online) pharmacies/ chemists/ drug stores Plastic surgery (nose jobs, face lifts, liposuction, eyelid surgery, Botox, etc) Pregnancy/ Childbirth/ Maternal care (ante-natal care, caesarean, post-natal care, etc) Private healthcare (providers/ research/ organisations) Public healthcare (providers/ research/ policy) Radiation/ Radiotherapy (Funding for) (medical/ biotech/ biological) research RSI Salt/ Sodium Side effects Skin problems (rashes, eczema, etc) Sleeping problems (insomnia, snoring, sleep walking, sleeping tablets, sleep apnoea, etc) Smoking/ Tobacco/ Cigarettes Spiritual healing (reiki, etc) Sports injuries (sprains/ strains, etc) Steroids Stiff shoulders Stimulants Stress (relief) Surgery/ Operations (Psycho/ Occupational) therapy (Chronic) tiredness Traditional (Chinese) medicine Treating yourself Tropical diseases (dengue fever, malaria, etc) |
should(n’t)… (un)acceptable addictive all in the head ban con/ fraud/ scam control counterproductive crime crucial/ essential/ vital danger/ dangerous discredited exaggerated/ overblown fake/ sham good value for money imaginary (un)important impossible to (dis)prove increase inevitable legalise naïve overestimated overpriced overprescribed over… (just) the placebo effect pointless (major/ minor) problem/ issue (scientifically) (un/dis)proven pseudoscience psychosomatic quack (de)regulate(d) ridiculous a scandal/ scandalous scaremongering superstition (major) threat trivial underestimated under… understandable useful valuable/ worth... |
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