Affixes with Opposite Meanings
Prefixes and suffixes with opposite meanings memory game.
Lesson Plan Content:
Affixes with opposite meanings reversi game
Fold the cards if they aren’t already folded. Spread the cards across the table, either side up. Choose one of the cards and guess what word with the opposite meaning is on the other side. If you are correct, you can do the same with another card. If you have done both correctly, you can choose to continue or stop there. You can do the same until you have guessed six in a row correctly, until you give up or until you make a mistake. However, if you make a mistake you lose all the cards from that round, so it is sometimes best to stop before you reach the maximum of six cards. For example, if you have done four cards correctly and stop there you get four points, but if you try one more card you could get five points or you might get zero if you get the fifth one wrong. You can’t stop at one card, but must do at least two each time. Cards you won in previous rounds are safe, i.e. you can only lose the points from this turn if you make a mistake.
Continue playing until all the cards are gone or your teacher stops the game
Ask about any which you don’t understand, can’t pronounce, etc, then test each other on the language in pairs by:
- Reading out one side of the card and seeing if your partner can say the other side
- Reading out the end of the word without any prefix and seeing if your partner can add two possible prefixes (with other acceptable prefixes not on the cards also okay)
- Reading out both prefixes and seeing if your partner can put both in front of a suitable word (the one on the cards or any other correct word)
- Reading out one prefix and seeing if your partner can say a word with that and the opposite of that word
Affixes with opposite meanings presentation
Match the pairs of prefixes to these meanings, first of all without looking at the cards if possible. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
- a thousand/ a thousandth
- after/ before
- against, hating or stopping/ for, liking or helping
- between/ inside
- big or overall/ small or detailed
- different/ the same
- forward/ behind
- good/ bad
- loving/ hating
- new/ old or original or source
- one/ many
- ten/ a tenth
- too much/ too little
- two/ half
- two/ one
- under or less than/ more than
Cards to cut up/ Suggested answers
anti-American |
pro-American |
antibiotic |
probiotic |
benefactor |
malefactor |
benevolent |
malevolent |
biannual |
semi-annual |
bicameral |
unicameral |
decalitre |
deciletre |
dialogue |
monologue |
downside |
upside |
duopoly |
monopoly |
foresight |
hindsight |
Francophile |
Francophobe |
heterosexual |
homosexual |
heterogeneous |
homogeneous |
inner ear |
outer ear |
internet |
intranet |
interspecies |
intra-species |
kilogramme |
milligram |
macro-analysis |
microanalysis |
macroeconomics |
microeconomics |
malformed |
well-formed |
malnourished |
well-nourished |
megabank |
micro-bank |
megafauna |
micro-fauna |
megamall |
mini-mall |
misinformed |
well-informed |
mistreated |
well-treated |
mono-cultural |
multicultural |
monogamy |
polygamy |
monoglot |
polyglot |
monolingual |
multilingual |
multilateral |
unilateral |
neo-Fascist |
proto-Fascist |
overpass |
underpass |
overdeveloped |
underdeveloped |
post-industrial |
pre-industrial |
post-war |
pre-war |
subhuman |
superhuman |
subsonic |
supersonic |
subtitles |
surtitles |
thoughtful |
thoughtless |
transgender |
cisgender |
Suggested answers
- a thousand/ a thousandth – kilo/ milli
- after/ before – post/ pre
- against, hating or stopping/ for, liking or helping – pro/ anti
- between/ inside – inter/ intra
- big or overall/ small or detailed – macro/ micro
- different/ the same – hetero/ homo
- forward/ behind – fore/ hind
- good/ bad – bene/ mal(e) or well/ mal or well/ mis
- loving/ hating – phile/ phobe
- new/ old or original or source – neo/ proto
- one/ many – mono/ multi or mono/ poly or uni/ multi
- ten/ a tenth – deca/ deci
- too much/ too little – over/ under
- two/ half – bi/ semi
- two/ one – bi/ uni or di(a)/ mono or duo/ mono
- under or less than/ more than – sub/ super
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