Like and Would Like Bluffing Game


Preferences and desired with like lying game, with food vocabulary and movies vocabulary.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Like and would like bluffing game

Likes and dislikes/ Desires/ Movie vocabulary/ Food vocabulary

What do you know or what can you guess about your classmates’ tastes? Share your ideas about their likes and dislikes, e.g. their taste in arts and food, and see how much of that is true.

Choose a topic such as movies or food and make a single likes, dislikes or desires statement about at least two things related to that category, e.g. “I hate Middle Eastern food and deep-fried food” or “I’d like to watch a thriller, a murder mystery or a horror movie tonight”, with one of those things being false/ a lie, e.g. because you hate horror movies. Perhaps after asking questions like “Why…?” or “What kind of…?”, your partner will guess which part isn’t true.

Useful phrases for talking about (dis)likes

I (absolutely) adore…

I (really) love…

I really like…/ I really enjoy…

I quite like…

I don’t mind…

I don’t really like…

I don’t like…/ I don’t enjoy…

I really don’t like…

I (really) hate…

I (absolutely) detest…/ I (absolutely) loathe…

Useful phrases for talking about desires

I would love to…

I would really like to…/ I really want to…/ I really fancy…/ I really feel like…

I would like to…/ I want to…/ I fancy…/ I feel like…

I would quite like to…/ I quite fancy…

I wouldn’t mind…

I wouldn’t really like to…/ I don’t really want to…/ I don’t really fancy…/ I don’t really feel like…

I wouldn’t like to…/ I don’t want to…/ I don’t fancy…/ I don’t feel like…

I really wouldn’t like to…/ I really don’t want to…/ I really don’t feel like…

I would hate to…

+ watch(ing)/ see(ing)/… (ing)

(+ for the first time/ again)

+ later (today)/ this evening/ tonight/ soon/ next (time)/ this week/ this weekend/ next week/ sometime/ someday/…


Movie vocabulary to talk about likes, dislikes and desires

  • 1960s/ 1980s/ 19...s movie
  • action movie
  • animation/ cartoon
  • art house movie/ independent (American) movie
  • Australian movie
  • bad taste comedy
  • biopic
  • black and white movie
  • blockbuster
  • bloopers
  • Bollywood movie
  • British movie
  • children’s movie
  • classic movie
  • comedy
  • complicated plot
  • computer generated
  • cop movie
  • costume drama/ historical drama
  • documentary
  • domestic drama
  • dubbed movie
  • fantasy
  • Hollywood movie
  • horror
  • literary adaptation
  • long movie
  • melodramatic movie
  • motion capture
  • movie about…
  • movie based in…
  • movie based on…
  • movie directed by…
  • movie review
  • movie starring…
  • murder mystery/ whodunit
  • musical
  • nature documentary
  • remake
  • romance
  • rom-com
  • sci-fi
  • sequel/ prequel
  • silent movie
  • simple plot
  • slapstick comedy
  • slow movie
  • special effects
  • spoiler
  • spy movie
  • subtitled movie
  • superhero movie
  • trailer
  • TV spinoff
  • twist in the plot
  • western
  • wildlife documentary

Ask about anything above you don’t understand, working together to make (true) statements using that language each time.

Like and would like grammar presentation

What is the difference between “I like…” and “I would like…”?

Without looking above for now, put other expressions that are similar to like and don’t like into the boxes below, with the most positive top and the most negative bottom, and ones with the same meaning next to each other.

Useful phrases for talking about likes and dislikes



















Useful phrases for talking about desires




































Look on the next page for ideas, then brainstorm more.


Mixed answers

  • I (absolutely) adore…
  • I (absolutely) detest…
  • I (absolutely) loathe…
  • I (really) hate…
  • I (really) love…
  • I don’t enjoy…
  • I don’t fancy…
  • I don’t feel like…
  • I don’t like…
  • I don’t mind…
  • I don’t really fancy…
  • I don’t really feel like…
  • I don’t really like…
  • I don’t really want to…
  • I don’t want to…
  • I fancy…
  • I feel like…
  • I quite fancy…
  • I quite like…
  • I really don’t feel like…
  • I really don’t like…
  • I really don’t want to…
  • I really enjoy…
  • I really fancy…
  • I really feel like…
  • I really like…
  • I really want to…
  • I really wouldn’t like to…
  • I want to…
  • I would hate to…
  • I would like to…
  • I would love to…
  • I would quite like to…
  • I would really like to…
  • I wouldn’t like to…
  • I wouldn’t mind…
  • I wouldn’t really like to…

Check your answers with the first page.

What are the general differences between “I like” and “I would like”?

Match these pairs to each of those two forms:

  • means “enjoy”/ means “want”
  • opposite is “dislike”/ opposite is “don’t want”
  • about the future/ about the present
  • always true/ usually needs a time expression

Play the same bluffing game, but this time on the topic of food and without looking at the suggested phrases above if possible.


Food vocabulary to talk about likes, dislikes and desires

  • … for a picnic/ barbecue
  • … for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper/ as a snack
  • … mixed with…
  • … on…
  • … with…
  • aubergine/ egg plant
  • bamboo shoot
  • barley tea
  • bean curd
  • beansprout
  • black pepper
  • black tea
  • boiled potatoes/ boiled food/ boiled…
  • bonito flake
  • bread
  • brown rice
  • champignon mushroom
  • chewy rice cake
  • Chinese dumpling
  • chips/ French fries
  • (hard) cider
  • crab
  • cucumber
  • Danish pastries
  • deep-fried food (e.g. spring rolls)
  • dried mushroom/ dried…
  • English breakfast
  • fast food
  • fish cake
  • fish egg
  • G&T
  • grated…
  • gravy
  • green pepper
  • green soy beans
  • grilled fish
  • ground…
  • haggis
  • homemade…
  • horse meat
  • ice lolly/ ice pop
  • Italian…
  • Japanese horseradish
  • Japanese pickles
  • jellyfish
  • junk food
  • liver
  • lotus root
  • lunchbox
  • mandarin orange/ tangerine
  • Mediterranean food
  • microwave…
  • Middle Eastern food
  • monosodium glutamate (= MSG)
  • noodles
  • octopus
  • pickled plum
  • pita bread
  • pot noodles
  • potato croquette
  • powdered green tea
  • prawn/ shrimp
  • puffer fish
  • quail eggs
  • raw fish
  • red bean jam
  • red meat
  • rice cracker
  • rice porridge (= congee)
  • rice wine
  • roasted…
  • salad
  • seaweed
  • sesame oil
  • shaved ice
  • smoked mackerel/ smoked fish/ smoked…
  • snail
  • soy sauce
  • soya milk
  • spinach
  • spring onion
  • squid
  • steamed food
  • stir-fried food, e.g. fried rice
  • sweet potato
  • tripe
  • Turkish food
  • vinegar
  • white coffee

Ask about any vocabulary above which you don’t understand, sharing your (true) likes, dislikes and/ or desires each time.

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