Festivals and celebrations consonant clusters error correction


Festivals and celebrations vocabulary spelling and pronunciation mistakes related to initial consonant clusters and final consonant clusters.

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Festivals and celebrations consonant clusters error correction

Correct the mistakes on each line below. Some lines have all correct English words, but each line has one mistake when it comes to this festivals and celebrations topic.

  • official bang holiday/ public holiday
  • Bulack Friday
  • Xmas dinner with bled sauce
  • Churistmas pudding and cream
  • spring gleaning
  • climb writing festival
  • Narita Dorum Festival
  • Brussels Frower Carpet
  • Fleas snow and music festival
  • Foriday the thirteenth
  • Venice Grass Week
  • Niagara Crepe and Wine Festival
  • The Goreen Man Festival
  • Gloundhog Day
  • honoured guessed
  • light a lamb
  • special lunchy
  • The Ghost of Xmas Pass
  • school nativity pray
  • plocession of floats
  • birthday puresent
  • household shurine
  • Srove Tuesday/ Mardi Gras
  • Turin Silo Food Festival
  • Sapporo Snore Festival
  • King’s supeech
  • wedding sopeech
  • school supports day
  • spling break
  • Southlake Town Soquare Festival
  • stuff Xmas party
  • commemorative Xmas stump
  • sutreet stall
  • street prade
  • Osaka Smo Tournament
  • than your parents
  • tomato srowing festival
  • day drip to the beach
  • the twelfth days of Xmas
  • face toward the wesut

Check as a class or with the suggested answers.


Suggested answers

  • official bank holiday/ public holiday
  • Black Friday
  • Xmas dinner with bread sauce
  • Christmas pudding and cream
  • spring cleaning
  • crime writing festival
  • Narita Drum Festival
  • Brussels Flower Carpet
  • Freeze snow and music festival
  • Friday the thirteenth
  • Venice Glass Week
  • Niagara Grape and Wine Festival
  • The Green Man Festival
  • Groundhog Day
  • honoured guest
  • light a lamp
  • special lunch
  • The Ghost of Xmas Past
  • school nativity play
  • procession of floats
  • birthday present
  • household shrine
  • Shrove Tuesday/ Mardi Gras
  • Turin Slow Food Festival
  • Sapporo Snow Festival
  • King’s speech
  • wedding speech
  • school sports day
  • spring break
  • Southlake Town Square Festival
  • staff Xmas party
  • commemorative Xmas stamp
  • street stall
  • street parade
  • Osaka Sumo Tournament
  • thank your parents
  • tomato throwing festival
  • day trip to the beach
  • the twelve days of Xmas
  • face toward the west


Test each other on the pronunciation of the words:

  • say a word with the right or wrong pronunciation and see if your partner can say which
  • say a word with the wrong pronunciation and see if your partner can correct you
  • say a word (correctly) and see if your partner can say how many syllables it has)
  • say a word (with the correct pronunciation) and see if your partner spell it

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