Describing festivals and celebrations practice questions
Speaking practice of telling people about seasonal and special festivals and celebrations from your own and other cultures
Lesson Plan Content:
Describing festivals and celebrations practice questions
Take turns asking each other questions from your section below (also using the follow-up questions in brackets if the first answer is short).
Student A
- Are events from history remembered at particular times of year in your country? (How much do people know about such historical events?)
- Are fireworks associated with any times of year in your country? (Are they also used at other times?)
- Are there any days which children in your country particularly enjoy? (Why?)
- Are there any traditions related to weather in your country? (What is the connection?)
- Are there any times of year in your country when people eat and/ or drink more than usual? (What do they tend to eat and drink?)
- Do you do anything for good luck at particular times of year? (Do you think it works?)
- Do you celebrate the end of one year or the beginning of the next? (Is that common?)
- How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country? (Does that vary?)
- When did you last attend a festival or celebration? (How was it?)
- Which festival in your country would you most recommend to foreign visitors? (Why?)
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Student B
- Are there celebrations or ceremonies at special ages in your country? (What ages?)
- Are there any times when cleaning the house is traditional? (How common is that nowadays?)
- Do you know many songs that are sung at certain times? (How well known are they?)
- Do you like having celebrations in your home? (What kinds do you like best?)
- Do you spend more money at particular times of year? (What do you spend it on?)
- Have you ever had a lucky charm? (Where did it come from?)
- Have you ever paid to learn your fortune? (What method was involved?)
- How common is fasting in your country? (Why not?/ When does it tend to happen?)
- How often are traditional clothes worn in your country? (Can you give an example?)
- Would you say that people in your country are superstitious? (Can you give an example?)
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Student C
- Are there any romantic times of year in your country? (What makes them romantic?)
- Are there many foods which are associated with particular festivals or celebrations in your country? (Can you give one example?)
- Do you have a favourite festival or celebration? (What happens there?)
- Do you like putting up decorations? (What are your favourite and/ or least favourite?)
- How traditional would your perfect wedding be? (What things would you change?)
- How well do you know the reasons for public holidays? (Can you give an example?)
- Is there a festival that scares kids in your country? (Why do such festivals exist?)
- What is the most famous festival in your local area? (What makes it different from other festivals?)
- When will you next attend a festival or celebration? (Are you looking forward to it?)
- Which day would you consider to be your national day? (Do most people agree?)
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