Language Learning Ideas- Adverbs of Frequency Discussion


Students discuss how often to do things outside class to improve their English skills, for frequency expressions practice and learner training, with other suggested advice topics as an optional extension.

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Language learning ideas adverbs of frequency discussion

Choose a good or bad language learning idea from below and ask your partner “How often should I…?” They should give a recommendation in a whole sentence with “You should..”, “You can…” or “You could…” and a frequency expression, if possible a specific one like “at least twice a day” and “as often as you can”. Discuss if you agree with their idea and what your opinion is, then take turns doing the same with other sentences from below.


You can…

You could…

You should…

  • ask someone to explain something another way
  • ask someone to repeat
  • ask your teacher questions which are about English but aren’t in the course
  • choose one or two things in English that you want to use as much as possible
  • correct yourself while you are speaking
  • do karaoke in English
  • do your homework just after the last English class
  • do your homework just before the next English class
  • get a little drunk before speaking English
  • have English radio on even when you aren’t listening carefully
  • interrupt people if they have misunderstood you
  • learn a famous speech or poem in English by heart
  • learn lists of English vocabulary
  • learn whole pages of vocabulary from the dictionary
  • listen to English while you are sleeping
  • listen to the news in English
  • listen, read and speak at the same time (= shadow reading)
  • memorise new English words that you find in your textbook
  • memorise new English words that you see in things made for native speakers like newspapers and movies
  • play language learning apps on your mobile phone or tablet
  • practice a conversation that you are going to have in English beforehand
  • press the “memory” button on your electronic dictionary to remember what words you have looked up
  • put English subtitles on when you watch a film in your own language
  • read English language children’s books
  • read English language classics like Dickens and Shakespeare
  • read English newspapers
  • read and listen at the same time (for example with a graded reader and its CD or mp3 file)
  • read authentic texts (= texts written for native speakers such as novels)
  • read graded texts (= texts written for language learners such as Intermediate-level easy readers)
  • read in English about something you are going to watch before watching it
  • record your own voice
  • revise (= review) what you have studied in past classes
  • speak to your own friends in English (instead of your own language)
  • speak while you are thinking of what to say
  • study for language exams such as TOEIC
  • study from a grammar book
  • take Skype lessons with Filipino teachers
  • translate in your head into English from your own language
  • try to pronounce exactly like native speakers
  • try to start conversations with foreign people in trains and stations
  • use a bilingual dictionary (e.g. English-Japanese)
  • use a dictionary
  • use a monolingual dictionary (= an English-English dictionary)
  • use automatic translation
  • use new words that you have learnt
  • use words in your own language such as names of traditional foods and then explain their meaning in English
  • watch English comedies
  • watch different episodes of the same English language series
  • watch something dubbed into your own language before you watch it in English
  • watch something in English that you have already seen
  • watch something in English which you already know the story of
  • watch something in English with English subtitles
  • watch something in English with no subtitles
  • watch something in English with subtitles in your own language
  • write in English even when no one will look at what you have written
  • write in your own language first and then translate it into English
  • write new vocabulary on flashcards or in a vocabulary textbook
  • write the pronunciation of English words using your own language (e.g. Japanese katakana script)

Ask the class about any topics above which you weren’t sure about or had different opinions on. 

Brainstorm as many frequency expressions as you can (thinking about how you can often “How often…?” questions if you get stuck).

Try to make statements about language learning using as many of those expressions as you can. 

Make other statements with “should” and those frequency expressions and see if your partner agrees.

Possible topics:

  • Doing your job well
  • Being “green” (= environmentally friendly)
  • Being healthy
  • Improving your appearance
  • Being a good wife or good husband

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