IELTS Speaking overview
Analysing IELTS Speaking exam videos worksheets
Lesson Plan Content:
IELTS Speaking overview
Share everything you know about IELTS Speaking, then use the suggested topics below to extend your discussion
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Suggested topics
- How many examiners and candidates in one test
- Entering the examination room
- ID
- Names
- Speaking Part One
- Speaking Part Two
- Speaking Part Three
- Timings
- Topics
- Kinds of question/ Types of question
- Task sheets/ Written questions
- Length of answers
- Silence/ Thinking time/ Preparing your answers
- Changing topic
- Ending answers
- Links between the different parts/ Similarities between the different parts
- Differences between the three parts
- What you can do if you are not sure about something
- Examiner’s reactions to what you say
- How your performance is marked/ graded
- Good tactics
- Good language
- Good ways to prepare
Make notes on the topics above as you watch a candidate taking a complete mock IELTS Speaking test, then compare what extra information you found out (including anything you changed your mind about since your previous discussion). Your teacher will tell you if you can use the form below to help you make notes.
Did the video that you watched include these things?
- Yes No questions/ Closed questions
- Difficult questions (questions about hypothetical situations/ imaginary situations, questions about things that the candidate doesn’t remember well, etc)
- The candidate not understanding a question
- The candidate still not understanding a question after it is repeated
- The candidate not being able to answer straightaway (wanting to check something first, needing thinking time, etc)
- The examiner interrupting the candidate
What would you do in each case?
Before Speaking Part One |
Entering the room
Names and ID
Speaking Part One |
Starting Part One
Kinds of questions
Follow-up questions
Changing topic
Ending Part One
Speaking Part Two |
Task sheet, paper and pencil |
Changing sub topic
Ending the presentation |
Kinds of questions
Speaking Part Three |
Starting Part Three
Kinds of questions
Follow-up questions |
Changing (sub-)topics
Ending Part Three
General/ Through the exam |
Length of answers
Silence/ Thinking time |
Other difficulties/ challenges |
Examiner’s reactions
How you can perform well/ show your level |
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