Giving Advice- Personality Problems
Students ask for and give recommendations related to character flaws, then try to remember personality words with the same and different meanings in the list they just used.
Lesson Plan Content:
Personality problems giving advice speaking
character adjectives, advice phrases, and too and enough
Imagine you have a problem with the personality of someone, e.g. someone you know through your work. Choose one of the words below, explain why it is a problem, and ask for your partner’s advice. Listen to their suggestions and respond, continuing until you agree on a good solution. Then switch roles and do the same again.
Useful language for explaining the problems
Personality problems to talk about
… am/ is (too)…
… ‘m not/ isn’t… (enough)
- adaptable/ flexible – unadaptable/ inflexible
- ambitious – unambitious
- amusing/ humorous/ funny – serious
- careful – careless
- confident – nervous
- conservative/ traditional – adventurous/ radical
- creative – uncreative
- direct – indirect/ diplomatic
- dynamic/ a self-starter – passive
- efficient – inefficient
- energetic – unenergetic
- friendly – unfriendly
- hard working – lazy
- helpful – unhelpful
- intelligent/ smart – unintelligent
- knowledgeable – ignorant
- moody/ unpredictable
- motivated/ driven – unmotivated
- optimistic – pessimistic
- polite – impolite/ rude
- positive – negative
- practical – impractical
- punctual – unpunctual
- quiet – loud/ noisy
- relaxed – stressed
- reliable – unreliable
- shy – outgoing
- sociable – unsociable
- strict – easy-going
- superstitious – unsuperstitious
Possible people to complain about
- I…
- My colleague/ One of my colleagues…
- The person at the next desk…
- The head of my team/ section/ department/ division/ company…
- A member of my team/ section/ department/ division/ company…
- My direct boss (= My line manager)…
- New employees…
- Young employees…
- (Middle) managers…
- Executives/ Directors…
- The person in charge of…
- The new…
- A customer/ client…
- A supplier/ service provider…
- One of my business contacts…
- My husband/ wife…
- One of my children…
- My father/ mother…
- My local…
- My (next door) neighbour…
- My (English) teacher…
Asking for advice
What do you think I should do?
Do you have any advice (for me)?
What would you recommend that I do?
What’s the best solution?
How can I solve this problem, do you think?
Useful language for giving advice
You (really) should…
I recommend…
My recommendation is to…
Useful language for reacting to advice
Thanks. That’s a good idea.
I’ll try that.
I’ll do that.
Are you sure that’s a good idea? Wouldn’t it make more sense to…?
I’m not so sure that will work. Do you have any other ideas?
Ask about any words above you don’t understand, working together to make related problems and solutions each time.
Personality word synonyms and opposites
Without looking above for now, write at least one word in each gap below. Words divided by a slash (/) should have (more or less or exactly) the same meaning, and words divided by a dash (–) should have opposite meanings. Words not above may also be possible.
adaptable/ flexible – _______________/ ___________________
ambitious – ___________________
amusing/ humorous/ funny – __________________
careful – ______________________
confident – ______________________
conservative/ traditional – _________________/ radical
creative – _________________________
direct – _______________________/ diplomatic
_________________/ a self-starter – passive
efficient – ____________________
energetic – ____________________________
friendly – __________________
hard working – _______________
helpful – _________________
intelligent/ _______________ - unintelligent
___________________ – ignorant
moody/ __________________
motivated/ driven – _____________________
optimistic – ___________________
polite – impolite/ _____________
positive – _______________
practical – __________________
punctual – _________________
quiet – loud/ ____________________
relaxed – _________________
reliable – ___________________
______________ – outgoing
sociable – _______________
________________ – easy-going
superstitious – _________________
Compare your answers with the last page. Other answers are possible, so please check if you wrote something different.
Choose one of the people above, e.g. “line manager”, work together to select a top five most important characteristics and five worst characteristics for that person to have.
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