Business English- Brainstorming for Job Applications


Brainstorming useful tactics and phrases for English job interviews, including body language, starting the interview, answering questions, and asking questions at the end.

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Job interviews brainstorming

Discuss and/ or write your answers to the questions below, thinking about your next possible job interview in English. If you are working with a partner, it’s okay for your answers to be similar or different.

Is it possible that you will have to speak in English before you reach the interview room? Who will you speak to? What will they say, and what should your responses be?





Is anything likely to happen or be said before you sit in your chair? How should you respond?





What things related to body language do you need to be aware of?





How is the interviewer likely to start the interview? How could you respond?





What questions are they likely to ask you? How could you respond to those questions?





What can you say while you are thinking of an answer to a question?





What can you say if you don’t (fully) understand the question?





How might they ask you for more details after hearing your answers?







How can you answer if the interviewer asks for more details?





What questions could you ask when they give you an opportunity to do so at the end?















How many is a good number of questions to ask at the end of the interview? Choose that number of the best questions from above.





Look at all the things above and see if you can think of other ways to say the same things.

Choose the best of all the options above.

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