Countable and Uncountable- Your Week


Students compare how much and how many in their recent lives, for personalised count and non-count nouns speaking practice.

By: Alex Case
Level: Beginner
Theme: General
Study Area: Nouns
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Lesson Plan Content:

This week Countable and uncountable

Countable and uncountable nouns/ Present Perfect Simple

Try to find things you have done more of than your partner in the last seven days by giving information about yourself and/ or asking your partner questions.

Suggested topics

  • Alcohol/ Drinking
  • Breaks
  • Commuting/ Travel/ Hours on trains
  • (Cups of) tea/ (Cups of) coffee
  • Eating out/ Fast food/ Junk food
  • Emails/ Emailing
  • Exercise/ Walking
  • Food/ Meals
  • Housework
  • Listening to music/ Listening to the radio
  • Meeting people from overseas
  • (Business) meetings
  • Reading
  • Shopping/ Purchases
  • Sleep
  • Smoking/ Cigarettes
  • Snacks
  • Spending money
  • Spending time with your family
  • Studying
  • Studying English/ Homework
  • Surfing the web
  • Teleconferences/ Videoconferences
  • Telephoning
  • Using English
  • Watching TV/ Watching DVDs/ Watching movies
  • Work/ Hours at work/ Jobs/ Projects

Useful language for talking about how many/ how much

A huge amount/ A huge number              A lot             

Quite a lot                                 Not much                   

Little/ Few                                 Very little/ Very few

Hardly any                                 No…/ None

Share one thing that was higher for you than your partner and see if anyone else in the class is higher than you.

Ask about anything above you don’t understand, are not sure that you used correctly, etc, working together to make suitable questions and answers each time.

Without looking at the last page, put “-s” after any of the nouns below which can take it.

  • Alcohol/ Drinking
  • Break
  • Commuting/ Travel/ Hour on train
  • (Cup of) tea/ (Cup of) coffee
  • Eating out/ Fast food/ Junk food
  • Email/ Emailing
  • Exercise/ Walking
  • Food/ Meal
  • Housework
  • Listening to music/ Listening to the radio
  • Meeting people (from overseas)
  • (Business) meeting
  • Reading
  • Shopping/ Purchase
  • Sleep
  • Smoking/ Cigarette
  • Snack
  • Spending money
  • Spending time with your family
  • Studying
  • Studying English/ Homework
  • Surfing the web
  • Teleconference/ Videoconference
  • Telephoning
  • Using English
  • Watching TV/ Watching DVD/ Watching movie
  • Work/ Hour at work/ Job/ Project

Check your answers with the last page. Other answers might be possible.

What would these things mean?

I have done some exercises.

I have watched many TVs.

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