Alphabet Homophones and Minimal Pairs
Words and letters which are and aren't pronounced the same as letters of the alphabet.
Lesson Plan Content:
The alphabet homophones and minimal pairs
Without looking below for now, listen to your teacher and raise the “The same” card or “Different” card that you have been given depending on what you think about the pronunciation of the letters and words that you hear.
Label each line below with S for the same pronunciation or D for different pronunciation. If there are more than two, they are all the same or all different.
- A/ E
- B/ be/ bee
- B/ V
- C/ sea/ see
- C/ she
- D/ day
- D/ G
- G/ J
- G/ Z
- H/ etch
- H/ hay
- I/ eye
- K/ key
- L/ hell
- M/ me
- M/ N
- O/ oh/ owe
- O/ or
- P/ pay
- P/ pea/ pee
- Q/ coup
- Q/ cue/ queue
- R/ ah
- S/ see
- T/ tea/ tee
- U/ ewe/ yew/ you
- V/ buoy
- W/ double
- W/ UU
- X/ ex
- Y/ why
Check your answers as a class or with the next page, then work together to make sure you can pronounce the ones which are different above differently.
Choose words or letters from above and dictate them to your partner. If what you say could be written more than one way, they should write both the possibilities/ all the possibilities.
Do the same, but this time in context in a whole phrase or sentence.
Suggested answers
- A/ E – Different
- B/ be/ bee – The same
- B/ V – Different
- C/ sea/ see – The same
- C/ she – Different
- D/ day – Different
- D/ G – Different
- G/ J – Different
- G/ Z – Different
- H/ etch – Different
- H/ hay – Different
- I/ eye – The same
- K/ key – Different
- L/ hell – Different
- M/ me – Different
- M/ N – Different
- O/ oh/ owe – The same
- O/ or – Different
- P/ pay – Different
- P/ pea/ pee – The same
- Q/ coup – Different
- Q/ cue/ queue – The same
- R/ ah – The same (in most kinds of British English)
- S/ see – Different
- T/ tea/ tee – The same
- U/ ewe/ yew/ you – The same
- V/ buoy – Different
- W/ double – Different
- W/ UU – Slightly different/ Almost the same (only the stress is different)
- X/ ex – The same
- Y/ why – The same
Cards for students to hold up
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
The same
Different |
Words pronounced the same as letters easier stage
Without looking above, write letters which have the same pronunciation as these words in the gaps below:
- be/ bee/ _________________
- sea/ see/ ________________
- eye/ ____________________
- oh/ owe/ ________________
- pea/ pee/ _______________
- cue/ queue/ _____________
- ah/ ____________________
- tea/ tee/ ________________
- ewe/ yew/ you/ ___________
- ex/ _____________________
- why/ ____________________
Words pronounced the same as letters more challenging stage
Without looking above, write words which match the letters below for pronunciation in the gaps given.
- B/ __________________/ __________________
- C/ __________________/ __________________
- I/___________________
- O/ _________________/ ___________________
- P/ _________________/ ___________________
- Q/ _________________/ ___________________
- R/ _________________
- U/ _________________/ ___________________/ _________________
- X/ _________________
- Y/ _________________
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