13 English Phrasal Verbs With 'GROW'

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13 phrasal verbs with 'GROW'

Grow apart

  1. Become distant, stop having a close relationship because time, distance, interests, etc, have changed
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: We used to be good friends at school but have since GROWN APART.

Grow away from

  1. Become less friendly with
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: I have GROWN AWAY FROM many of the people I grew up with.

Grow back

  1. Grow again
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: Nails GROW BACK quickly after you cut them.

Grow from

  1. Result from a process
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: A lot GREW FROM the peace talks.

Grow into

  1. Grow to fit large clothes
    (Inseparable | International English)
    » Example: The jacket's a bit big, but she'll GROW INTO it.
  2. Mature or change into
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: She's has GROWN INTO a lovely person.
  3. Develop or change over time to fit something
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: It may seem difficult at first, but you will GROW INTO the job.

Grow on

  1. Like something that you didn't like at first
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: The painting has GROWN ON me; I used to ate it.
  2. Have a greater influence or degree of acceptance
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: The plans sounded strange at first, but they have GROWN ON me.
  3. Become gradually more evident
    (Inseparable | American English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: A feeling of distrust of them GREW ON me.

Grow out

  1. Let hair, etc, with dyes, perms grow to get rid of the style
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: I'm letting the perm GROW OUT.

Grow out of

  1. Grow too large for clothes
    (Inseparable | International English)
    » Example: He GREW OUT OF those shoes in no time at all.
  2. Lose interest as you grow older or become more mature
    (Inseparable | International English)
    » Example: He was obsessed with computer games but the he GREW OUT OF them.
  3. Result or develop from
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: The idea for the film GREW OUT OF an accident that happened to the director.

Grow to

  1. Eventually do something
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: We GREW TO like the neighbourhood.

Grow together

  1. Gradually become attached, united or close
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: We GREW TOGETHER while we were working on the same project.

Grow up

  1. Mature, become adult
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: He GREW UP in the West Country.
  2. Arise, emerge
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: The industry GREW UP very quickly.
  3. Develop in a place or for a reason (city, town, etc)
    (Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: The town GREW UP as a trading post.

Grow up on

  1. Do or have something when you are a child
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: We GREW UP ON cartoons.

Grow upon

  1. Like something that you didn't like at first
    (Inseparable | International English)
    » Example: The book started slowly and was a bit dull, but it has GROWN UPON me.
  2. Have a greater influence or degree of acceptance
    (Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: As we got nearer the date of the meeting, their idea GREW UPON me.
  3. Become gradually more evident
    (Inseparable | American English | Contributed By: )
    » Example: A feeling of distrust of them GREW UPON me.

Take our Exercise on 'GROW'

Quiz for Verb: 'To GROW'

Choose the correct definition for each phrasal verb...

'Grow out of' means...

'Grow into' means...

'Grow from' means...

'Grow away from' means...

'Grow apart' means...

'Grow to' means...

'Grow up' means...

'Grow upon' means...

'Grow into' means...

'Grow upon' means...

