22 English Phrasal Verbs With 'GIVE'
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We have definitions for 22 phrasal verbs with 'GIVE'
Don't miss our 'GIVE' phrasal verb exercise
22 phrasal verbs with 'GIVE'
Give away
Entrust your daughter to her husband through the marriage ceremony
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: He GAVE his daughter AWAY and told the groom to look after her. -
Tell a secret, often unintentionally
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: She didn't GIVE anything AWAY about the party so it came as a complete surprise to me. -
Distribute something for free
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: In this issue of the magazine, they are giving away a free DVD. -
Give without asking for or expecting payment
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He decided to GIVE his new album AWAY in a magazine. -
Give an advantage to your opponent in a sport by making a mistake, playing badly, etc
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: They GAVE AWAY two goals in the first half. -
Give an unwanted baby to people to bring up
(Separable [optional] | British English)
» Example: She had to GIVE her baby AWAY as she couldn't afford to bring it up. -
Betray, report to authorities
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The gang GAVE him AWAY to the police. -
Give a weight advantage to an opponent in boxing
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: He is GIVING AWAY thirty pounds to the challenger.
Entrust your daughter to her husband through the marriage ceremony
Give back
Return something you've borrowed
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: I GAVE the money BACK that she'd lent to me. -
Return something that someone has lost
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: Nothing could GIVE me BACK the way I felt before the scandal.
Return something you've borrowed
Give in
Stop doing something because it's too hard or requires too much energy
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I couldn't finish the crossword puzzle and had to GIVE IN and look at the answers. -
Submit homework, etc.
(Separable [optional] | British English)
» Example: The projects have to be GIVEN IN three weeks before we break up for the end of term. -
Surrender, accept defeat
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: They GAVE IN when the police surrounded the building. -
Offer or submit for judgement, approval
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: They GAVE IN their complaint to the court.
Stop doing something because it's too hard or requires too much energy
Give in to
Agree to something you don't like
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The government says it will not GIVE IN TO terrorists. -
Allow a feeling or desire to control you
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Eventually, I GAVE IN TO my anger and screamed at them.
Agree to something you don't like
Give it to
Criticise harshly or punish someone for something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: They really GAVE IT TO me for forgetting to turn up.
Criticise harshly or punish someone for something
Give it up for
(Inseparable | American English)
» Example: Please GIVE IT UP FOR our next guest.
Give it up to
(Inseparable | American English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Please GIVE IT UP TO our next guest.
Give of
Contribute without expecting anything in return, usually time or money
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GIVE OF his free time to help the club.
Contribute without expecting anything in return, usually time or money
Give off
Emit pollution or something else unpleasant
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: The police stopped the van because it was GIVING OFF a lot of black smoke. -
Behave in a way that makes people think of you in a certain way
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: She GIVES OFF an air of nobility. -
(Intransitive | American English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The company is GIVING OFF all over the country. -
Follow or take one of 2 or more branches (instructions, in machine code) in writing a computer program (using system software for a programming language)
(Intransitive | American English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: A particular application of a processing code can be GIVEN OFF while requiring minimal run-time support.
Emit pollution or something else unpleasant
Give onto
Open into a place, for a door or window
(Inseparable | British English)
» Example: The French windows GIVE ONTO the lawn.
Open into a place, for a door or window
Give out
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: Somebody was GIVING leaflets OUT in front of the underground station. -
Stop working, through age or overuse
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I'd been having trouble with my laptop and it finally GAVE OUT at the weekend. -
Have no more of a supply
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The water GAVE OUT after a week in the desert. -
Make public
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: They GAVE the names of the winners OUT last night. -
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The factory GIVES OUT a lot of fumes. -
End or finish somewhere
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The path GIVES OUT halfway around the lake. -
Make a sound or noise
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: She GAVE OUT a moan. -
Read the wordings of a hymn or psalm aloud for congregational singing
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He GAVE OUT the psalm. -
Complain, moan
(Intransitive | Irish English)
» Example: My students are always GIVING OUT about the rain.
Give out to
Scold, tell off, nag
(Inseparable | Irish English)
» Example: The teacher GAVE OUT TO us for being late.
Scold, tell off, nag
Give over
Stop doing something bad or annoying
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: They were making a lot of noise so I told them to GIVE OVER. -
Entrust, pass on responsibility
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: We've GIVEN the premises OVER to the new company. -
Stop an activity
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The police told the rioters to GIVE OVER.
Stop doing something bad or annoying
Give over to
Dedicate, devote
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He GAVE himself OVER TO finding his son. -
Transfer responsibility
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: After her death, they GAVE control of the estate OVER TO her niece.
Dedicate, devote
Give over!
An expression of disbelief
(Intransitive | British English)
» Example: They've doubled your salary- GIVE OVER!
An expression of disbelief
Give up
Stop doing something that has been a habit
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: I GAVE UP taking sugar in tea and coffee to lose weight. -
Stop being friendly, end relationships
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: She GAVE UP all her school friends when she went to university. -
Stop doing something
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I have GIVEN UP trying to help them. -
Surrender, stop trying
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I can't think of the answer; I GIVE UP. -
Sacrifice or dedicate time, etc, to something
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I GAVE UP all my free time to the project. -
Allow someone to sit in your chair, take your place, etc
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I GAVE UP my seat to a pregnant woman. -
Allow or give away a run while pitching (baseball)
(Separable [optional] | American English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He has GIVEN UP 14 earned runs in 14 innings.
Stop doing something that has been a habit
Give up on
Lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I GAVE UP ON them when I heard what they were saying about me behind my back. -
Stop feeling hope
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I have GIVEN UP ON them; they never do what they promise.
Lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone
Give up to
Denounce, report to authorities
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He GAVE his accomplices UP TO the police.
Denounce, report to authorities
Give way
Stop to allow vehicles to pass
(Intransitive | British English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: You must GIVE WAY at this junction. -
Collapse, break
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The dam GAVE WAY when the floods rose.
Stop to allow vehicles to pass
Give way to
Yield, surrender, retreat
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Don't GIVE WAY TO your worst fears about this. -
Relinquish position or ascendancy
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Night GIVES WAY TO day. -
Be replaced by something better, cheaper, more modern, etc
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Cottage industries GAVE WAY TO the big companies. -
Allow a vehicle to pass in front
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: You must GIVE WAY TO oncoming traffic. -
Surrender to strong emotions
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He GAVE WAY TO his anger and started screaming at them.
Yield, surrender, retreat
Give yourself up
Surrender to the police or authorities
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The gang GAVE THEMSELVES UP last night.
Surrender to the police or authorities
Give yourself up to
Dedicate time, energy, etc, to something
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He GAVE himself UP TO his job.
Dedicate time, energy, etc, to something
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