66 English Phrasal Verbs With 'GET'
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We have definitions for 66 phrasal verbs with 'GET'
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66 phrasal verbs with 'GET'
Get about
Visit many places
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I GET ABOUT a lot with my job- last years I visited eleven countries. -
Become known
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: It didn't take long for the news to GET ABOUT- everyone's talking about it. -
Walk or visit places
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: She can't GET ABOUT much, but she is in her eighties. -
Have personal or sexual relationships with many people
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: She GETS ABOUT a bit; she's always with some new guy.
Visit many places
Get above
Behave as if you are better or more important than others
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She's been GETTING ABOVE HERSELF since she got promoted. (This is normally used in progressive forms and followed by a reflexive pronoun, though 'get above your station' is also used.)
Behave as if you are better or more important than others
Get across
Communicate successfully
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: I just couldn't GET my message ACROSS at the meeting. -
Go from one side to the other
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It's impossible to GET ACROSS the road with all this traffic. -
Move something from one side to the other
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: How are we going to GET these bags ACROSS the river?
Communicate successfully
Get across to
Be convincing or make a good impression
(Inseparable | American English)
» Example: How can I GET ACROSS TO my audience?
Be convincing or make a good impression
Get after
Nag or exhort someone
(Inseparable | American English)
» Example: You should GET AFTER them to finish the work. -
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: GET AFTER her and give her the message before she leaves the building.
Nag or exhort someone
Get ahead
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: Nowadays, you need IT skills if you want to GET AHEAD.
Get ahead of
Move in front of
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I work at home in the evening to GET AHEAD OF schedule.
Move in front of
Get along
Have a good relationship
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: Why don't you two GET ALONG? You're always arguing. -
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: It's late; we must be GETTING ALONG. -
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: How's the homework GETTING ALONG?
Have a good relationship
Get along in
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: How are you GETTING ALONG IN the company.
Get along with
Have a good relationship with someone
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I don't GET ALONG WITH my sister- we have nothing in common. -
Deal with, handle
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: How are you GETTING ALONG WITH the training course?
Have a good relationship with someone
Get around
Become known
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: It didn't take long for the news to GET AROUND once it got into the newspapers. -
Visit many different places
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He GETS AROUND a lot- he's always flying somewhere different. -
Walk or go to places
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He's finding it hard to GET AROUND since the operation and spends most of his time at home. -
Avoid a problem
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It'll be tricky, but we will find a way to GET AROUND the regulations. -
Persuade, convince
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She didn't want to accept my application because it was late, but I managed to GET AROUND her. -
Have personal or sexual relationships with many people
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He GETS AROUND a bit; he's always with some new girlfriend.
Become known
Get around to
Finally manage to do something, make the effort to do something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It always takes me ages to GET AROUND to replying to letters.
Finally manage to do something, make the effort to do something
Get at
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: His boss is always GETTING AT him for arriving late. -
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: What do you think she's GETTING AT? I've no idea what she wants. -
Be able to reach, find, access
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It's on the top shelf and I can't GET AT it. -
Use threats, payments, bribes, etc, to affect someone's testimony or decision
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The gangsters GOT AT the jury, who found them not guilty of all charges despite the evidence presented in court.
Get away
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The robbers GOT AWAY in a stolen car, which the police later found abandoned. -
Go on holiday or for a short break
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We love to GET AWAY from everything and relax in the country. -
Move, leave somewhere
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He didn't come because he was stuck at work and couldn't GET AWAY.
Get away from
Go somewhere different or do something different
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Work's getting on top of me; I need to GET AWAY FROM it. -
Start to talk about something that is not relevant to the discussion
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I think we're GETTING AWAY FROM the point here- we need to concentrate on the main ideas.
Go somewhere different or do something different
Get away with
Not get caught, criticised or punished for doing something wrong
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Thieves GOT AWAY WITH two Picassos, which were never found. -
Achieve something, despite not doing it correctly or properly
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Do you think we could GET AWAY WITH using the cheaper product?
Not get caught, criticised or punished for doing something wrong
Get away!
An expression of disbelief
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: "I passed." "GET AWAY! You couldn't have passed."
An expression of disbelief
Get back
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The train was held up so we didn't GET BACK home until midnight. -
Return something
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: Don't lend him any money; you'll never GET it BACK. -
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: He was rude and embarrassed me, but I'll GET him BACK. -
Move away
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The police told the crowd to GET BACK to allow the ambulance through. -
Move away
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The police told the crowd to GET BACK to allow the ambulance through.
Get back at
Take revenge
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I'll GET BACK AT her for landing me in trouble.
Take revenge
Get back into
Start doing something after stopping for some time
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I am GETTING BACK INTO my Khmer lessons after the summer break. -
Find a new enthusiasm for something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I lost interest for a while, but I'm GETTING BACK INTO it.
Start doing something after stopping for some time
Get back to
Respond to a contact
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I'll GET BACK TO you as soon as I hear any news. -
Respond when you know the answer
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I don't know at the moment, but I will GET BACK TO you as soon as I have the information. -
Start doing something again after an interruption
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It took me ages to GET BACK TO sleep after the phone rang.
Respond to a contact
Get back together
Restart a relationship
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We split up a few months ago but GOT BACK TOGETHER last week.
Restart a relationship
Get behind
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: All the students GOT BEHIND the teacher.
Get behind with
Be late paying instalments for something.
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: If you GET BEHIND WITH mortgage payments, you might lose your home.
Be late paying instalments for something.
Get by
Have just enough money to live on
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: They're finding it increasingly difficult to GET BY since their daughter was born. -
Not be noticed (problems, errors, etc)
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I had checked it, but there still were a few mistakes that didn't GET BY the editor.
Have just enough money to live on
Get by on
Manage on a certain amount of money
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It's hard to GET BY ON my salary.
Manage on a certain amount of money
Get by with
Have enough of something to do the job
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We should be able to GET BY WITH three PCs, but four would be better.
Have enough of something to do the job
Get down
Make someone depressed, unhappy, exhausted, etc.
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: The miserable weather in winter really GETS me DOWN. -
Write, record
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: I couldn't GET DOWN everything he said. -
Manage to swallow
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: The medicine tasted horrible and it was difficult to GET it DOWN. -
Descend, leave a vehicle
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The trained pulled in and we GOT DOWN. -
Leave the table after eating
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: When they had finished dinner, the children asked if they could GET DOWN. -
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: The doctor says I my GET my cholesterol levels DOWN. -
Have an affair or sexual relations
(Intransitive | American English)
» Example: They GOT DOWN at the party last week.
Make someone depressed, unhappy, exhausted, etc.
Get down on
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: My mother used to GET DOWN ON us for not doing enough homework.
Get down to
Start working seriously
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I find it extremely difficult to GET DOWN TO doing any revision for examinations. -
Enjoy something a lot
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: People were GETTING DOWN TO the concert.
Start working seriously
Get in
Arrange for someone to do a job in your home, workplace, etc
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: The air conditioning has broken down; we'll have to GET a technician IN to fix it. -
Arrive (train, plane, etc.)
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: Her plane GETS IN at 2am our time. -
Arrive home
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: She didn't GET IN till well after twelve o'clock because she'd been out for a few drinks with her mates. -
Enter a car or taxi
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The taxi pulled up and we GOT IN. -
Buy or obtain supplies, like food
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: We need to GET some coffee IN; we're completely out. -
Arrive at work, school, home
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I GOT IN late today because the train broke down. -
Enter a building or place
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I borrowed her pass to GET IN. -
Be elected
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The government GOT IN with a very small majority. -
Manage to say or do
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I couldn't GET a word IN throughout the meeting. -
Be admitted to a university, club, etc
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He did badly in the entrance exam and didn't GET IN. -
Bring inside a place
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: It's raining; I'd better GET the washing IN. -
Submit, apply
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: We have to GET the forms IN by the end of this week. -
Pay for drinks
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: He GOT the drinks IN.
Arrange for someone to do a job in your home, workplace, etc
Get in on
Become involved
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The company tried to GET IN ON our market.
Become involved
Get in with
Become friendly with, ingratiate with
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I tried to GET IN WITH them as I thought it would help me at work.
Become friendly with, ingratiate with
Get into
Become involved or interested
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She's been GETTING INTO dance music recently. -
Become involved in something bad or criminal
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GOT INTO drugs when he was at university. -
Be accepted or admitted
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She did well and GOT INTO Cambridge University. -
Become or be accepted as a member
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GOT INTO the first team for football. -
Start a habit or way of acting or behaving
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It took me ages to GET INTO driving on the left. -
Be small enough to wear something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I couldn't GET INTO the boots; they were too tight. -
(Inseparable | Australian English)
» Example: He GOT INTO me for doing it badly.
Become involved or interested
Get it
Be punished or scolded
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: If you don't stop that right now, you'll really GET IT!
Be punished or scolded
Get it off
Have sex
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: They GOT IT OFF at the party.
Have sex
Get it off with
Have sex with
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She GOT IT OFF WITH her friend's husband.
Have sex with
Get it on
Become interested or excited
(Intransitive | American English)
» Example: The talk was dull and nobody GOT IT ON. -
Have sex
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: Did you two GET IT ON?
Become interested or excited
Get it on with
Have sex with
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Did you GET IT ON WITH him?
Have sex with
Get it together
Control things in your life to achieve your aims
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: If I don't GET IT TOGETHER, I will never reach my targets. -
Begin a relationship
(Intransitive | American English)
» Example: They only GET IT TOGETHER at the very end of the film.
Control things in your life to achieve your aims
Get it up
Become aroused (of a man)
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He couldn't GET IT UP and felt very embarrassed.
Become aroused (of a man)
Get off
Escape punishment
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He GOT OFF on a technicality and left the court a free man. -
Leave a bus, train, etc.
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We GOT OFF the bus and walked to my house. -
Finish, leave work
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I like to GET OFF early on Fridays. -
Start a journey
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We need to GET OFF early to avoid the rush hour traffic. -
Help a baby or child sleep
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: I can't GET the kids OFF because of the noise from next door. -
Orgasm, have sex
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We GOT OFF last night. -
Manage to fire a gun
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: She GOT OFF a few shots before she was arrested. -
Stop talking on the phone
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Let me know when he GETS OFF the phone as I need to make a call. -
Write or send letters, messages, etc
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: I GOT three emails OFF before the meeting. -
Say or write something funny
(Separable [optional] | American English)
» Example: She GOT OFF some jokes at the start of her presentation.
Escape punishment
Get off it
A way of expressing disbelief, or telling someone that they're wrong or have an incorrect opinion
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I knew he was lying so I told him to GET OFF IT.
A way of expressing disbelief, or telling someone that they're wrong or have an incorrect opinion
Get off on
Enjoy a drug
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GETS OFF ON crystal meth every night. -
Become excited by
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She GETS OFF ON her power over us.
Enjoy a drug
Get off with
Have casual sex with
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GOT OFF WITH her at the party.
Have casual sex with
Get off!
Don't touch, leave alone
(Intransitive | British English)
» Example: If he bothers you, just tell him where to GET OFF.
Don't touch, leave alone
Get on
Continue doing something
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The teacher asked the pupils to GET ON with some work quietly as she had to leave the classroom. -
Enter a bus, train, plane, etc.
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We GOT ON the train at Plymouth and went up to London. -
Make progress, deal with something with a reasonable degree of success
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: How are you GETTING ON with your Spanish lessons? -
Have a good relationship
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We have always GOT ON well. -
Become old, age
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He's GETTING ON now and doesn't work so hard. -
Be late or near an arranged time
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I must get home now; it's GETTING ON. -
Wear, fit
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: I have put so much weight on that I couldn't GET my old suits ON. -
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I must be GETTING ON; I have other things to do this evening.
Continue doing something
Get on at
Criticise unfairly
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He's always GETTING ON AT me when I haven't done anything wrong.
Criticise unfairly
Get on for
Be near a time
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It's GETTING ON FOR midnight.
Be near a time
Get on to
Start to suspect
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It took the authorities a long time to GET ON TO the gang.
Start to suspect
Get on with
Have a good relationship
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Fortunately, I GET ON WITH my boss. -
Continue or start doing something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She told us to GET ON WITH our work.
Have a good relationship
Get onto
Start discussing a topic
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We didn't GET ONTO the third item on the agenda. -
Be elected, appointed
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He didn't GET ONTO the committee. -
Appear on the radio or TV
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GOT ONTO every major channel after the accident. -
Contact someone because you need or want them to do something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We'd better GET ONTO someone to fix this. -
Enter a plane, train, etc
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She GOT ONTO the plane just before it took off.
Start discussing a topic
Get out
Leave the house to visit place and socialise
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: She doesn't GET OUT much now she has her baby. -
Become known when people want it to remain secret
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The truth GOT OUT despite the injunction on reporting the case. -
Leave a place, escape
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The dog GOT OUT because I left the door open. -
Remove something from where it is stored to use it
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: I GOT the car OUT so that we could load up the suitcases. -
Remove dirt or something unwanted
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I spilled some red wine on my carpet and can't GET the stains OUT. -
Publish, make available for the public to see or buy
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: We have to GET the report OUT by the end of the month. -
Say what you want when it is difficult
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He was so upset he couldn't GET the words OUT.
Leave the house to visit place and socialise
Get out of
Avoid doing something you dislike
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I said I wasn't feeling well and GOT OUT OF the extra work. -
Leave a car, van, etc.
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We GOT OUT OF the taxi and paid the driver. -
Stop a regular activity or habit
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: If you GET OUT OF a routine, it can be hard to start again. -
Make someone confess or tell the truth
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The police couldn't GET any information OUT OF him. -
Make someone give something to you
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Did you GET a refund OUT OF the travel agency? -
Derive pleasure or benefit from something
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: She's GETTING a lot OUT OF her university course. -
Help someone avoid doing something
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I GOT him OUT OF having to work at the weekend.
Avoid doing something you dislike
Get out!
Expression of disbelief
(Intransitive | American English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: 'I got 100% on the test.' 'Get out!'
Expression of disbelief
Get over
Recover from something, feel better
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It took me ages to GET OVER the bout of flu. -
Solve, find a solution
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: It took us a long time to GET OVER the problems with the computer system. -
Communicate, make people understand
(Separable [optional] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He makes jokes to help GET his message OVER. -
Be shocked or surprised that something if real or true
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I couldn't GET OVER how much weight he had put on. -
Get to the other side
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: We couldn't GET OVER the river because of the floods. -
Come somewhere
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: He said he needed help and ask me to GET OVER as soon as I could.
Recover from something, feel better
Get over with
Do something unpleasant that has to be done rather than delaying it any more
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: I GOT the test OVER WITH rather than have to worry about it any longer.
Do something unpleasant that has to be done rather than delaying it any more
Get round
Become known
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I don't want this to GET ROUND, so please keep it to yourself. -
Find a solution
(Inseparable | British English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: We're nearly ready, but there are few little problems we have to GET ROUND before we finish.
Become known
Get round (around) to
Finally manage to do something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It always takes me ages to GET ROUND to writing letters. (In American English 'around' is used)
Finally manage to do something
Get round (or around)
Persuade someone
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She didn't want to let me do it, but I succeeded in GETTING ROUND her. (In American English 'around' is used)
Persuade someone
Get through
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I tried calling her mobile phone, but I couldn't GET THROUGH. -
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He GETS THROUGH two bottles of wine a day. -
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I'm going to take some work home because I haven't managed to GET THROUGH it all today. -
(Intransitive | American English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: Call me when you GET THROUGH. -
Succeed in an exam or test
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: My car didn't GET THROUGH its inspection. -
Help someone or something succeed or pass a test or exam
(Separable [obligatory] | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: My teacher GOT me THROUGH the exam. -
Endure or deal with a difficult experience
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: We will have to be careful with our money to GET THROUGH the month. -
Be accepted or passed (laws, proposals, etc)
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: If the proposal GETS THROUGH, it'll make things much better for us. -
Manage to pass
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The water GOT THROUGH the roof and damaged the carpets. -
(Intransitive | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: The message didn't GET THROUGH.
Get through to
Make someone understand
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I explained it carefully, but I just couldn't GET THROUGH TO him. -
Contact, especially by phone
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: I rang but couldn't GET THROUGH TO her. -
Reach a stage in a competition
(Inseparable | International English | Contributed By: Michael Belasco)
» Example: If they win, they'll GET THROUGH TO the quarter finals.
Make someone understand
Get to
Annoy, irritate
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Don't let her GET TO you; she's just in a bad mood. -
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: When I GET TO it, I'll look at the matter carefully. -
Start discussing a topic
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: We asked him to GET TO the point, but he just waffled away. -
Have the opportunity to do something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Last June I GOT TO visit Stonehenge.
Annoy, irritate
Get together
Meet socially
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We GOT TOGETHER in the pub for a drink.
Meet socially
Get up
Get out of bed
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I GET UP at seven o'clock on weekdays, but lie in till noon at the weekend. -
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: They GOT UP a list of two hundred people who were opposed to the local council's plans.
Get out of bed
Get up to
Do something wrong or naughty
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The children are always GETTING UP TO some trouble or other.
Do something wrong or naughty
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