Understanding the Placement of "Enough" in English Grammar

Understanding the Placement of "Enough" in English Grammar

What is the correct word order with 'enough'?

In English grammar, the word "enough" is a versatile term that can be used in different positions depending on the context. This article aims to clarify the placement of "enough" in sentences, highlighting its usage after adjectives and adverbs, before nouns, and in conjunction with definite and indefinite articles.

1) Enough comes after adjectives and adverbs

When "enough" is used to indicate sufficiency or adequacy, it typically follows adjectives or adverbs. For example:

  • It wasn't good enough. (Good is an adjective)
  • I didn't do well enough. (Well in an adverb)

2) Enough comes before nouns

To express the quantity or amount required, "enough" precedes nouns in a sentence. For example:

  • I didn't have enough money. (Money is a noun)

3) We use enough of before the and this that these those.

When referring to specific or general things, "enough" is used in conjunction with the definite article "the" or the demonstrative pronouns "this," "that," "these," or "those." Examples include:

  • Are there enough of the copies I made for everybody?
  • I've had enough of this rubbish.

4) We also use enough of before object personal pronouns:

In some cases, "enough" can also be used before object personal pronouns. For instance:

  • Were enough of them there last night?

5) Enough can be used before an infinitive:

"Enough" can be used before an infinitive to express adequacy or insufficiency. For example:

  • They don't have enough to eat.

6) Alternative placement

Lastly, sometimes people put enough after a noun for emphasis or stylistic effect. However, this usage is considered archaic and formal, and it is not commonly employed in modern English.

So, in summary...

Understanding the appropriate placement of "enough" in sentences is crucial for effective communication in English. By recognising its usage after adjectives and adverbs, before nouns, with articles and pronouns, and before infinitives, you can enhance you language skills and express you thoughts more accurately.


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