Do time meaning
What does the saying 'Do time' mean?
Idiom: Do time
When someone is doing time, they are in prison.

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- Fullness of time
- Some other time
- Just in the nick of time
- The sands of time
- Stitch in time saves nine
- Long time no see
- No time like the present
- Pass the time of day
- No time to lose
- Time of your life
- Since time immemorial
- No time for
- Time-honoured practice
- Good time
- For the time being
- Big time
- Nick of time
- Question of time
- Time and again
- Pressed for time
- Ahead of time
- Play for time
- Long time no hear
- If I had a nickel for every time
- Small-time
- Time flies
- Time does sail
- Crunch time
- Third time's the charm
- Time is on my side
- Whale of a time
- Serve time
- Walking time-bomb
- Not give the time of day
- Stand the test of time
- Call time
- Third time lucky
- Time out of mind
- Time and tide wait for no man
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See also:
- View examples in Google: Do time
- Idiom Quizzes