2 English Phrasal Verbs With 'CARVE'

What's covered on this page

We have definitions for 2 phrasal verbs with 'CARVE'

2 phrasal verbs with 'CARVE'

Carve out

  1. Create or get a area where you can be special or successful
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: She's CARVED OUT a career in photojournalism.

Carve up

  1. Divide into smaller pieces
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: They CARVED the company UP and sold a lot off.
  2. Overtake someone and then pull directly in front of a car
    (Separable [obligatory] | International English)
    » Example: The idiot CARVED us UP and forced me to brake hard.
