4 English Phrasal Verbs With 'BAIL'
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We have definitions for 4 phrasal verbs with 'BAIL'
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4 phrasal verbs with 'BAIL'
Bail out
Save, rescue
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: The government had to BAIL OUT the airline because it was losing so much money. -
Remove water from something that is flooded
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: The boat was leaking so they had to BAIL it OUT. -
Jump out of a plane because it is going to crash
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The pilot BAILED OUT when he saw that the engines had failed.
Save, rescue
Bail out of
Pay a bond to release someone from jail
( | International English)
» Example: I must BAIL my drunken brother OUT OF jail.
Pay a bond to release someone from jail
Bail out on
Stop supporting someone when they are in trouble
(Inseparable | American English)
» Example: Everybody BAILED OUT ON him when the scandal broke.
Stop supporting someone when they are in trouble
Bail up
Talk to someone and delay them
(Intransitive | Australian English)
» Example: I was late because he BAILED me UP on the phone and wouldn't shut up. -
Rob someone at gunpoint
(Intransitive | Australian English)
» Example: He was BAILED UP by a couple of muggers as he came out of the bank.
Talk to someone and delay them
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