Idioms Beginning With: 'B'
Showing 1 - 50 of
347 results for letter 'B'
- Babe in arms
- Babe in the woods
- Baby boomer
- Back burner
- Back foot
- Back number
- Back the wrong horse
- Back to back
- Back to square one
- Back to the drawing board
- Back to the salt mines
- Back to the wall
- Back-handed compliment
- Back-of-the-envelope calculation
- Backseat driver
- Bad Apple
- Bad blood
- Bad egg
- Bad hair day
- Bad mouth
- Bad shape
- Bad taste in your mouth
- Bad workers always blame their tools
- Bag and baggage
- Bag of bones
- Bag of nerves
- Baker's dozen
- Bald as a coot
- Ball is in your court
- Ball of chalk
- Balloon goes up
- Ballpark figure
- Balls to the walls
- Banana republic
- Banana skin
- Band-Aid on a bullet wound
- Bandit territory
- Baptism of fire
- Bar fly
- Bare your heart
- Barefaced liar
- Bark is worse than their bite
- Barking up the wrong tree
- Barkus is willing
- Barrack-room lawyer
- Barrel of laughs
- Basket case
- Bat an eyelid
- Bated breath
- Bats in the belfry
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