All over Hell's half acre meaning
What does the saying 'All over Hell's half acre' mean?
Idiom: All over Hell's half acre
If you have been all over Hell's half acre, you have been traveling and visiting many more places than originally intended, usually because you were unsuccessful in finding what you were looking for.
It can also be used to mean everywhere.

Similar Idioms
- Hope in hell
- All hell broke loose
- Hell in a handcart
- Hell for leather
- Ninth circle of hell
- Come hell or high water
- Half-baked
- Cheap at half the price
- Half a mind
- Cold day in hell
- Catch hell
- Not a snowball's chance in hell
- Better half
- Road to hell is paved with good intentions
- Too clever by half
- Go off half-cocked
- Half a shake
- Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other
- When hell freezes over
- Like a bat out of hell
- If you lie down with the Devil, you will wake up in hell
- Half a loaf is better than no bread
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See also:
- View examples in Google: All over Hell's half acre
- Idiom Quizzes