Poll: The tomato is...

The tomato is...

a fruit
a vegetable
a berry
All of them
Any of them

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This Poll:

  • Votes: 296
  • Comments: 5
  • Added: October 2012



Scientifically, the tomato is classified as a fruit; in cooking and everyday speech, it is called a vegetable.


Botanically, it's a berry.


Thanks for reminding me of that- my mother told me that years ago. I have added a berry option. My Bad.

genesis valencia

Yeah. In our basic nutrition class in college, it says in the book we use that tomato is classified as a fruit. The only reason why people mistakenly think it's a vegetable is because we use it for cooking almost everyday. However, you can also eat it uncooked.


I was taught that " tomato " is a fruit.

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