Poll: Which spelling do you use?

Which spelling do you use?


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  • Votes: 420
  • Comments: 5
  • Added: December 2007



I prefer not to X Christ out of Christmas.


I do prefer to use 'X' because Xmas, to me, is not much to do with the "Christ" it refers to in its name. Rather, it's a winter thanksgiving festival which just happened to have been adopted by Christians.


I think, it's just being lazy puting Xmas instead of Christmas. Are we on msn lol, g2g,?

Secsee Devil

Well said Nadine.. Regards, Devil...


Caroline, your answers demonstrates that you do not understand. The X is a Greek symbol for Christ. It was adopted by the early church as a symbol for Christ as the it is the first Greek letter in Christ. Hence we have the Ichthus, IXOYE, Jesus Christ Son of God Lord and Savior.

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